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Date: Aug. 06, 2002
Time: 2:09 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

It's the same day of the year that I was hatched

I'm searching the room for the perfect smooth yet elongated blunt object to dig into the muscles in my shoulder. Ya, I'm handicrapped, my shoulder is STILL fucked up from this car accident. "Good thing is that nobody got hurt." I said in that entry...fuck that!

So enough of that, it's my birthday now, yay for me(sarcasm). I did get a wonderful birthday present already though, thanks for nominating me Kessa!! At my therapy appointment I told funny memories of past birthdays, like the year I had to buy my own cake. When I came home my dad was like "Why didn't you get Happy Birthday writen on it?"....umm why would I buy my own birthday cake and have Happy Birthday written on it to me?? Or the time my aunt and grandfather proceeded to tell me how stupid I am and how stupid my parents are, and left before cake and presents. Actually, my therapist didn't think it was funny, hehe. Anyway, the conversation ended up with her asking me if I was going to kill myself on my birthday, I regret to inform anyone who is reading this that no, I'm not going to. God, I'm so cliche and so "goth", as some of my friends would say, lol. Thank god my sister told my dad not to get me another Filene's gift card, not that I am ungrateful, but they are piling up in my wallet, he gets me those for all occasions and I never shop at Filene's. She said she's going to make him get me movies, they went yesterday. When she asked me what I wanted, I had NO idea, I completely forgot that birthday=presents! Seriously, this whole time the concept of getting birthday presents completely excaped my mind, for some reason I forgot. The only shitty thing though, is Donna is getting me a cake....grrrrrrr... fucking suckup. She's totally only doing it to impress my dad, trying to show that she's "changed", that she suddenly likes us now. Bullshit, you can't just decide to like someone. My sister and my dad were fighting about Donna a lot, thankfully I had work so I didn't have to keep hearing them.

Speaking of work, that meeting that I was all worried about actually went well! I got all paranoid for some reason and was convinced the meeting was being held in order to tell me how bad I suck and that everyone hates me...yes, I am a weirdo, I have no idea why I would think a store meeting would be held for me. What ended up happening, was one of the managers Kristin(my fav!) said to everyone that I've(me!!) been cleaning up everyone elses shit and it's not fair to me. It was fucking great though, cause she put Evil Eric and Mike right on the spot, she said "Is what I'm saying true? Have you guys done ANY cleaning, has she been doing it all?" and actually waited for them to answer, but they just stared in silence. Of course it didn't phase Evil Eric, he just sat there with the same apathetic look he always has, but Mike looked very upset and was speechless. I was so psyched! Ha! Take that dickheads! It's true, I clean up everyone's shit CONSTANTLY, to the point where they just leave everything out cause they know I will put it away/throw it away for them. Then in an act of retrobution, Mike said in an obviously pissed off way "Ya well, I have an announcement too, people need to stop putting so much water in the soil for the reptiles!". I was about to GO OFF on him, when unexpectedly Cute Eric said "Ya, but we need to have enough water in it so the frogs don't die! It's too dry now, we need to find a happy medium", I was like yaaaay go Cute Eric!! I was glad he said that. Unfortunatly the dress code is being changed, now I have to wear Kackis! And we have to wear a belt(what the fuck?). No visible tattoos or piercings, but the manager Lenny for some reason looked right at me and said "But I'll allow tongue rings, I'm fine with that". What? I don't have a tongue ring, weirdo. And I can't wear my uber-industrial homemade wallet chain anymore!!! I'm going to cry :( What will I ever do without it?? I think I will take a pic of it, that's what I'll do. Except it's in my car right now, so tomorrow maybe I'll post a pic of my wallet chain, to show my wallet chain love.

Some guy told me today that my boyfriend is lucky, and that I should tell him to buy me a ring. It felt nice getting a compliment! Even if it was from a semi-creepy older guy, at least he wasn't full-out creepy. About a ring though.....eeek! Even if I did have a guy, no rings for me thanks!! I'm happily unmarried. Though I wouldn't mind finding someone. Eeek I almost wrote something cheesy mentioning mushy thoughts! Away foul demons!

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