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Date: May. 15, 2004
Time: 2:32 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Raaaaawr to Zelnorm!!!!

Ok so I think I figured it out! Yesterday I started thinking how Katie said she gained 15lbs when she was on Zoloft, and she was craving sweets/chips. And I remembered that Zelnorm affects seretonin levels in the stomach, like how SSRI anti-depressants affect seretonin levels in the brain...soooo...after putting 2 and 2 together, I thought HEY! It's the Zelnorm that's making me gain weight and eat tons!! So I went online, and sure enough I saw one of the side effects of Zelnorm is increased appetite. FUCK! The bad thing is that the Zelnorm is actually working, so it's helping me...but since I've been on it, it's making me gain weight at about 2lbs a week! So what do I do?? I made a post about it on an IBS messege board, and other people responded saying they were having the exact same problem. So do I poop normal and get fat? Or stay my regular weight but not be able to go? Hmm. It's nuts too, cause literally everyday I have to stop myself from going to the store and buying tons of chocolate and junk food, all I want to do is binge. It's like back when I was bulimic(except that was because I didn't keep barely anything down, so I was starving all the time!). Yesterday I did ok with it, I tried to eat a bunch of fruit and that seemed to help. Right now even writing this I'm like craving mini donuts. I hate this! Katie came over last night and I was talking to her about it, it was like we had the exact same experience. *sigh* So I guess I'm going to have to go off it. I Fucking HATE SIDE EFFECTS.

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