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Date: May. 05, 2004
Time: 12:10 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Fight fight fight!

I've been getting into lots of fights lately, but I swear it's everyone else, NOT ME!! For example, the other day Jon and I got into a fight over lack of sex and my stomach problems. Then today we got into another fight over my stomach! We planned on going to the movies, but when he got to my house my stomach was acting up so I said I didn't want to go. He got all pissy and was like "Why didn't you tell me? Why do you do this to me?!", blah blah poor me poor me. I was like what the fuck, how do you think I feel about it??? I'm the one with the pain/discomfort!! And it's not like I'm doing it on purpose! I hate when he does this, he acts like the whole world revolves around him, that my stomach problems inconvenience him...excuse me but I'm the one that has to feel them, not him! Plus, he didn't even ask if I was ok or how I was feeling. So finally after me yelling at him, he started asking and apologizing, but I was too pissed. He lied down next to me in bed while I faced the other way, and I fell asleep(I only got like 4 hours last night). After I woke up I felt better and we made up.

And last night, my dad told me to put my dishes away that were in the sink, and I started yelling and flipping out at him. As I was fighting with him, my sister buts in with a "Why are you yelling?" to me, in this way that made me feel so stupid. Whatever! I was so pissed about all of it. I went back downstairs and refused to talk to Jon, because I was so angry/depressed. For most of the night I was like that, he kept trying to cheer me up but I just couldn't be happy or speak much. Finally later on I lightened up. I guess writing it out, it sounds dumb, but I dunno what my problem is.

I've also been eating tons of junk food lately. For example today I've eaten 3 candybars, a bowl of ice cream, a little Celeste pizza...and these were all just snacks! Everyday is like this, I really need to stop. Yesterday was cupcakes, mini donuts, Reeses... I look totally gross, but I keep craving binges. I need to get my weight under control, I'm getting huge!

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