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Date: Apr. 23, 2004
Time: 1:35 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

I decided I'm all better

Today I felt a bit better, still am stuffed up and have a cough, but I don't feel nearly as fatigued and shitty. My sister started telling me how my dad said he's worried cause he thinks since I went vegetarian I get sick more, which is so not true!! I get sick cause other people MAKE me sick. So I was telling her this, and I said "I probably eat healthier then you and dad!", and she said "Well, I have my suspicians about that." with this look...and inside I quietly freaked. I know what she meant. I immediatly kept talking, changing the subject. I felt so frustrated inside, she can't suspect me of having an eating disorder, cause I'M ALL BETTER! I'm better cause I say I am!

Afterwards Jon and I went to my room and I brought it up that she said that. I told him how it bothered me cause I'm normal now, and he was like "But didn't she just catch you purging like a month ago? And was that actually the last time you purged? And your hiatal hernia..". That pissed me off, I mean YES I just started eating normal again like a 2-3 weeks ago. But that's a big deal, I mean that's a decent amount of time, right? I've officially decided I don't have an eating disorder anymore, so I am FINE now. I also need to get rid of any trace of unnormal things in my room, like ED books/movies.

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