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Date: Feb. 16, 2004
Time: 12:38 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

My Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was cool :) Jon and I went into Boston, and stayed at a Marriot hotel! I gave him a dozen roses, but since I was late picking him up he didn't have time to give me the flowers he bought me(he gave them to me when we got back). Anyway, the hotel was very expensive, but he wanted to stay at a nice hotel for once.

Then we went to a vegan chinese restaurant! It was so cool! They had fake chicken fingers, how rockin is that?? It was cool cause whenever I eat chinese food I miss getting chicken fingers, and now I could finally have them but without the icky death thing involved. Then I had fake pork lo mein which was wicked good, I swear it tasted better then the real thing. The best part was that Jon loved it all too, he like inhaled his food. He said he used to think being vegetarian meant you ate lettuce, and that since I turned veg. he's learned it's not and that there's lots of yummy foods. But yeah, now I'm sad that there are no veg. places around here, I would go all the time if there were.

Then we went and saw the movie 50 First Dates which was better then I thought it would be. Then we walked around, looked at plants, and eventually went back to the hotel where we got room service for dinner! Then got some booty of course ;) I had a good time.

Then yesterday I went shopping with my grandmother and bought a bed in a bag for my room(I'd been using a Winnie the Poo comforter, how suave). Now my room is almost complete, just need to hang up the paintings I bought, rearrange some stuff, and my room will finally be done!

I've been eating so much lately, not following my diet!

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