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Date: Feb. 10, 2004
Time: 6:17 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Feel like shit

Thanks for the guestbook responces guys *hugs*

I feel like absolute ass today. I didn't get to sleep until like 8am or some shit, and woke up at 12pm. Part of the reason I couldn't sleep(aside from just not being able to) was that my IBS started acting up AND I felt like I was going to barf cause of my stomach problem. dimstar I know what you're thinking, I promise I will go to the doctor! But yeah, so I didn't end up going to either of my classes today cause I felt like shit. I still feel crappy, plus I have no energy. Do I want to eat more to have energy, or do I want to lose weight? Lose weight of course.

Jon helped me move the other half of my room around. I was so exhausted after that, I spent like 4 hours last night moving shit around my room and emptying/filling fish and turtle tanks! Finally everything's moved, I still have a bunch of shit all over my room I need to put away, and I'm just too tired to. Plus I need to change my snake cage. Uff!

So I'm thinking of getting a part time job. I just hope I'll be able to handle working and school. I think I will, since I only have classes Monday-Wednesday. I have to see how my mental statis is.

I know I said I wanted to eat 1,000 calories, but I haven't really been doing that, I've been eating less. Not like wicked low, but I keep being too afraid to eat that much. I can't wait till I can wear form fitting clothes again, or really anything other then the baggy stuff I have to wear now(so nobody sees my fat).

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