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Date: Jan. 21, 2004
Time: 8:37 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Back from short trip to NY

Hello! I just got back from New York today. Jon and I went there and stayed with his family, I mainly went to visit my friend Tammy. She's inpatient at a hospital for anorexia. It was so cool seeing her! As we talked I thought about how underweight she looked, and how bad I felt about that cause she's really a very cool person, and she totally doesn't deserve that. It's weird, cause it's one thing when you see someone in a magazine or tv and envy being their weight, but when you see someone you know in person and they're really underweight, you just wish they would get well. I brought her a plant and a book, she seemed happy about that. I wish she lived closer, it would be awesome to be able to hang out. I really hope she stays the whole time and actually does get well.

I was so grateful for Jon to come with me and everything, he's so good to me :) I also wanted to go so we could spend time together, have a little trip before school starts(tomorrow!!). Unfortunatly he's sick now. Poor baby!

So yeah, that's what I've been up to. I decided that I need to go off the Nuvaring, it's just too triggering to me. I can't stand this feeling that I'm fat, and it's really not helping my recovery at all. Unfortunatly I need to stay on some type of hormonal birth control, so I think I'll just go on The Pill. I just wish I didn't have to take it everyday, it's annoying and I end up forgeting. But it's better then nothing. Otherwise, I seriously will relapse if I don't change this.

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