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Date: Nov. 23, 2003
Time: 7:41 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

My aloe plant and making things better

My dad's pissed, the aloe plant we have leaked onto the dining room table which is made of wood, so now there's a spot where it's ruined. I got pissed when my dad suggested throwing out the plant, it's not like it's the plants fault! Besides, this plant is fantastic, I just measured it and it's almost 4 feet in length!! The problem is that aloe plants don't just grow length-wise, so it's huge all around. Kind of hard to find spaces to put it. I think in the spring I'm going to have to repot it again, even though I just did this past spring! It's growing a third sprout, which will make the plant gigantic.

Now I'm watching that Michael Jackson special, the one from last year. I LOVE watching stuff about Michael Jackson. I remember when that whole thing came out last winter, Jon and I were at The Cape on vacation, I made him sit there and watch it and all the other news specials on it lol. I think he molested that kid. I'll be surprised if he gets off innocent. I'm just so fascinated by him, I'd give anything to be his therapist...can you imagine the things he'd reveal, his thoughts? He seriously needs to be in therapy, which I doubt is news to anyone.

God I have so much shit to do, I'm so glad it's going to be Thanksgiving vacation soon (even if I don't agree with the premise of the holiday). I need to clean all my turtle/fish tanks, do a book review paper that was due this past Thursday (I haven't even read the book!!), and god knows what else. Actually I did get a lot done recently, not of that stuff, but I did a massive cleaning of my room! You gotta understand, my room is normally a disaster area. For the longest time I've kept my clean clothes in a pile on the floor of my closet and spilling out to the floor. And finally I was like "Wow I suck, I need to clean up my room for once!" so I just did a billion loads of laundry, cleaned out all my drawers to make room for clothes, hung stuff up...trust me, it was a whole day project. I emptyed my trash twice and need to do it again. Also I'm getting a hook thing on my door, so that when I take off my coat/sweatshirt/etc. instead of throwing them on the floor I can just hang it on the hook. Also I want to rip down all my posters. I've had some of the same posters for 10 years! And I need to work out everyday, my body is NASTY! But yes I will eat normal, I need to just get in shape in a healthy way.

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