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Date: Nov. 20, 2003
Time: 3:46 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Another physical problem??

Oh my fucking god... is it POSSIBLE for me to not have 10,000 things wrong with me??? Why am I just the shittiest made person EVER?! My gynocologist just called and said my hormones are all messed up, and said she thinks I have Polycycstic Overy Disease. Fucking fantastic. So I looked it up online and the symptoms are: Irregular or absent menses
Numerous cysts on the ovaries in many, but not all, cases
High blood pressure
Elevated insulin levels, Insulin Resistance, or Diabetes
Excess hair on the face and body
Thinning of the scalp hair (alopecia)
Weight Problems or obesity that is centered around your mid section

I only have a couple of the symptoms though, I mean besides the fact that my hormones are messed up, my symptoms are irregular periods and acne (which both are fixed when I'm on the Pill). But anyway, if it did make me infertile, I wouldn't care cause I don't want kids anyway. But what bothered me is that she asked if diabetes runs in my family, which is does. Apparently somehow the 2 are connected? So yeah, I might end up being diabetic, WONDERFUL. As if I already don't have enough dietery restrictions?? Anyway, so she's sending me to a specialist. And I just called them, apparently they're closing their office so I have to go somewhere else instead. But yeah, anyway. Blah.

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