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Date: Oct. 25, 2003
Time: 9:47 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com


My legs hurt. Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time in like, 2 months! Yes I really am that lazy lol. Also, Jon, Mike, Hilary and I went into Boston to see a movie, and Hilary walks SO fast we were like power walking through the city. So yeah, my legs are like jello now.

Last night I had sooo much fun! Well, first it was alright cause we saw the movie Bubba Hotep, it was ok. Then we went to the bar in my town that we always go to, and it was totally kickin! For some reason every person I knew had decided to go last night, so it was awesome seeing people I haven't seen in awhile, and just having so many people there I knew was cool. I spent all night circulating between groups of people, and didn't even have to buy one beer, people kept buying them for me :) Jon was tired so he didn't really talk much, but he knew I was having a good time so he didn't really say anything. Jim was there, I was talking to him and he was like "So why haven't you called me in so long?", and I could tell by the way he said it that he thought it was because him and Katie are dating (Jim is my ex, but also my friend), I felt like the hugest idiot cause honestly I'm fine that they're dating. I just haven't called him cause...I dunno, I'm a bad friend I just always forget to!

Anyway, so I had so much fun, I wish we did stuff like that more often! Whenever I hang out with friends it's usually just one or 2 people at a time, not a bunch of people all together. I just love when you feel that feeling, when you realize you're truely happy for a moment/time period, and none of the shitty stuff matters, you know? Ok enough of the sappy stuff!

I admit I do feel weird about Jim thing though, only because I feel paranoid of making Katie jealous. I know it's dumb, I've never even seen her jealous, but just the fact that I'm his exgirlfriend, and I dunno...I'm just not sure where I stand in the picture I guess? Like I assume I can still call him...but does this mean Jim and I don't hang out one on one anymore? Do I just make plans with both at once? I'm not sure what the proper etiquette is. Maybe I'll ask Julie.

I think I have nerve damage on my hand. Why do these things always happen to me?? It happened a couple weeks ago(maybe 3?) when I was taking Julie's parent's dog into their house, the thing was going crazy and hurt my hand accidently from jumping around. Since then I still have a mark on the back of my hand where it was cut, sort of looks like a bruise, and when I touch it I get this uncomfortable zap through my finger. Weird.

Why is it so cold in here? Oh crap, I just realized I left my turtle tank light on all night! Woops!

Oh and the yesterday, as I was handing in a test (I hope I did well), the teacher looked up and said "You know, for someone who signed up for this class at the last minute, I'm really glad you're in this class. You're doing really well", isn't that nice?? I was so happy when she said that :) Walking to my car I had to fight off a smile the whole time. Yesterday was a pretty damn good day.

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