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Date: Oct. 01, 2003
Time: 11:04 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Damn omnivorous fascists!

*sigh* Someone talk to meeeeeeeee. Aww my turtle is all curled up in his shell sleeping, how cute. I think my crawfish is dead, I haven't seen him around my tank in days...I have a feeling he's dead in the cave :( Poor little guy. I wonder why he died? Maybe he's just molting and he wanted to hide for it. I'll have to check.

I have now decided to drink a half a glass of chocolate Silk soy milk everyday. Yep. Got that B12 vitamin. Speaking of which, it's SO annoying lately, I'm just getting so sick of people giving me shit for being vegetarian! Yesterday my sister started yelling at my dad for it, telling him to leave me alone that I can decide to eat whatever I want. Then today, my aunt called and was saying how I need to get my blood checked all the time to make sure I"m not deficient in vitamins. Ok come on, if I'm eating MORE fruit and vegetables, doesn't that mean I'd be consuming more vitamins?? I told her I'm fine, but she insisted I don't get enough protein and need to be monitered. Then later on my grandmother called and said she was concerned about my "eating habits" cause I"m vegetarian, that I'm not getting enough protein, blah blah blah. What's up with this?? First off, I have a fitday.com account, so I keep track of my calorie/fat/protein/vitamin/everything intake. I don't do it everyday, but I do use it so I have a general idea of what I'm eating and if I'm deficient in anything. Mind you, I don't eat the amount I should, so I'm getting around 1200-1600 calories a day, but for that amount I get a pretty good amount of vitamins/protein. I really don't know why people are so obsessed with the idea that vegetarians/vegans don't get enough protein, I always do and I don't even eat beans (can't digest them)! Once in awhile I will drink a little soy protein drink, because of the bean issue, but besides that I can usually get enough for someone who'd be eating 2000 calories, not bad eh? I always get over 100% of iron. Don't always quite get enough B12 but I take a multivitamin so that doesn't matter (plus the soy milk I mentioned earlier). Anyway, so just had to rant about that. Why do people make fun of me for it? Being vegetarian is a lot healthier then the typical American diet, so why do I get shit from everyone?? Damn fascist bastards. Oops sorry grandma lol.

I'm still apprehensive about tomorrow. Why get together to "celebrate" my mother's death? I just don't understand that. Wouldn't that be a day of being alone? That's how I'd rather it, to just be away from my family. I know my aunt and grandfather are just going to make me incredibly depressed. And of course she invited my dad who declined, just so she could go around saying "Well I tried to be the bigger person, I invited him to bury the hatchet but HE didn't want to come!". Whatever. She knew he wouldn't, she just likes being able to talk shit about it and make herself look better. I hope tomorrow isn't just a replay of Monday, when I went over and my grandfather spent the whole time bad mouthing everyone I know, refering to my grandmother as "the bitch" and saying I should watch myself cause she'll stab me in the back. My grandmother is in her mid 80's, how's she going to do that?!

Oh by the way I made the tofu eggs, Jon loved them! They tasted interesting. I was feeling sick from my stomach still (it was awful today), so I only could eat half my portion, which he gladly gobbled up, lol. To anyone who wants to make it, there are plenty recipes for it online I'm sure, it's really not bad, though it doesn't exactly taste like eggs, it has it's own unique flavor.

Ufff I ate so much tonight, I was so hungry cause I couldn't eat much for the first half of the day. I know I'm going to pay for it tomorrow though, my digestive system SUCKS right now!! I can't wait till my docters appt on friday, I wish it was tomorrow instead! I AM IN PAIN!

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