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Date: Sept. 24, 2003
Time: 10:40 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

"I can see I can see I'm going blind"

I just got back from the eye docter, finally got my contacts! I've been wearing my glasses for awhile, since I lost one of my last contacts and had no more prescriptions. I'm SO glad, I hate wearing my glasses. The second I put my glasses on, I feel like this ugly shy nerd, I'm instantly transformed into my former 12 year old self. It's kind of dumb, cause people tell me I look the same (or smarter) with glasses, but I can't help but feel like a completely different person. I mean, not that I'm the opposite of an ugly shy nerd now, lol, but at least I feel less so. The only thing is that when he was checking my vision, the left eye was still worse then my right even with the contacts on. I asked him about it, he said "Your left eye's weaker, your right is your dominant eye"...umm..ok...so I asked if I'd have to get a new left contact and he said "No, it's at the highest level already". I said "So what if it gets worse?", he said "We'll have to assess that if it happens". Um, WHAT?? Did he say assess that? Am I going blind or something?? That's basiclly what he said! My left contact is the strongest it can be *gulp* and it's not strong enough?! God I have such horrible vision. This freaked the shit out of me though. Bah!

Last night Jon was being weird, well, not unnaturally weird, just his usual weird self. He got all attitude cause I told him I didn't want him to sleep over because my stomach hurt. He took it personally and though I didn't like him anymore. I kept trying to tell him no my stomach fucking hurts and that's it, but I don't think he believed me. I wish he would stop being like that, he KNOWS I have digestive problems.

Wow I just looked in the mirror, I look sooo much better without my glasses!

Ok problem: I started talking with guy in one of my classes, he seems cool, but he gave me his number and asked if I wanted to have lunch some time, and he was winking at me(lol who winks at people?). I'm not sure how I should tell him that I have a boyfriend, if I should call him and just blurt it out, or wait for an oppertunity to bring it up, or should I just not call him? I don't want to sound to him like I'm just assuming he digs me (even though he does), I don't want to make him feel like an idiot. I hate that, how whenever I become friendly with guys, they always wanna get some, why can't they just want to be friends and that's it? Eh, the old "guys always want sex" thing, I hate sexist things like that, but in a way it's true. So anyway, advice anyone?

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