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Date: Sept. 01, 2003
Time: 12:51 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Barbaque! Woohoo!

Guess what, I'm having a barbaque today! Yay! I'm not even sure how many people are coming, since everyone I asked said "Is it ok if I bring so-and-so to?". I bought a bunch of food, I hope I have enough! And I invited Jim AND Jon. Jon still hates Jim cause he hit on me like, 6 months ago when he was trashed (and Jon and I were going out at the time). They've never met, and Katie had the idea of inviting them both to the cookout since there'll be lots of people and maybe Jon will get over it by seeing that he isn't a threat. So we'll see what happens. I told Jon he BETTER be cool to Jim or I'll totally bitch him out!

And I'm psyched I finally found some veggie dogs that DON'T taste like dog food :) I was about to give up on my search, and I figured may as well try Morningstar Farms as one last try, and lo and behold, I actually think they taste good. You know I'm so mad though, theres a few brands of vegetarian cheese at the store, yet every single one has MILK in it! What the fuck is up with that?? Why even make veggie cheese if you put milk in it? That's so annoying.

My dad was being rude, when I told him I was having the barbaque he said "Can you have them stay on the porch and not come in the house?" and "Well I'M not doing anything, I'm not cooking" even though I never asked him to cook or do anything. Rudeness.

My sister and I were just talking and she was saying how our family is the most fucked up out of everyone she knows. I dunno, I don't think it's *that* fucked up. Then again she always seems to see things for what they are, and I tend to try to say "I'm fine. Everything's fine."

I gotta get ready for the gym now...and off to buy alcohol!

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