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Date: Aug. 11, 2003
Time: 3:34 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

It's getting hot in here

lol, ok I've just discovered the funniest website ever, this Translation site. Someone who's french ( agonie )put my diary as a favorite (Merde! Hehe, see I know a little french), and I was wondering what some of it said. So someone gave me that site, and oh man, it's so funny! I'm not making fun of what she wrote, but the translation is SO off I have no clue what any of it means! Apparently to get an accurate translation you have to pay, so for the free service they just...I dunno, throw some random words in that are right. All I know is that agonie wants an "indian pig" and wants to eat her bottoms. Sounds cool.

As for myself, I've been purging a lot, not good! I'm finding myself more and more tired and sluggish from it. Today my pulse was racing over 100 everytime I sat down to check it.

I went to my aunt/grandfather's house today. My aunt kept staring at my body, I was like what the hell? Then later when we were alone she started badgering me saying "You're too thin! How much have you lost! What size are you down to??". I felt so self concious! And pissed. I mean, I'm 103lbs right now. For long amounts of time I've been in the mid 90's, and she's said I looked great, so I'm confused. Why would she think I look too thin? The only other time she said I was too thin was when I got down to about 90lbs. But why now??? That pisses me off! Cause now I feel all self concious, and I need to lose another 8lbs...but I don't want people saying shit! Why was it ok for me to be that weight then but not now?

Grrr. Damn it's so fucking hot in here I'm going to die. Oh the other day I had a hypoglycemic attack. Woo hoo. I really need to quit purging.

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