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Date: Jul. 04, 2003
Time: 2:50 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Meat blows

Finally I am DONE with my finals! I finished both of them last night, was up till 4am doing them. Then of course, when I tried to go to sleep I couldn't. Wonderful eh? So I finished reading Fast Food Nation, then fell asleep at 8am. I definitly recommend that book to everyone. After reading that book I'm so glad I don't eat red meat or much meat at all! It pissed me off so much, I mean how can governments care so little about the peoples health, and so much about money?? So many people with no concious at all. They're willing to poison people because they want money. Consumer America fucking sucks. And I'm glad I've cut down on my fast food consumption. I swear fast food is addictive anyway, and i wouldn't be surprised if in the future McDonalds got in trouble for putting freakin crack or something in their food. Ok maybe not crack, but some addictive substance. All I know is, the more I eat there, the more I want to eat there and crave it. I go like once a month now. You know I think I'd be more vegetarian if I knew how to cook. I should buy a vegetarian cookbook. You know it sucks the thought that pretty much all food is tainted with chemicals. I was thinking that last night, about how there is no "real" food. Even fruit and veggies are covered with pesticides, sure you can wash them but that probably doesn't get it all off. Everything you eat is filled with all kinds of chemicals and fake flavorings. I wish I could just have a farm where I grew vegetables, fruit and grain, and I could just be self sustaining. That would be awesome! Infact I think that's what we should all be doing, it sucks that there's so little of that left.

Check this link out.

Today I'm going to quit my job. I'd rather just focus on my school work. I know many people have jobs while in school, and I feel like I should too, but the truth of the matter is I shouldn't. I get overwhelemed easily, especially with all the mental stuff, and I think the less I have to do the better for how I will proform in school. Anyway, today is the Fourth of July, fireworks!!!

Fortunatly my depression is starting to blow away, I find myself being able to think more clearly and be able to actually do things/be productive.

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