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Date: Jun. 30, 2003
Time: 2:55 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

He knows?

Happiness, where art thou? Ever since the day I got depressed at my aunt's house (week or 2 ago?), things just haven't been the same since. The world seems more grey, sadness seems to come easy and go slowely. Jon keeps asking what's wrong, but I just shrug cause most of the time nothing is really wrong in particular. I think he gets confused as he watches me suddenly get depressed out of nowhere, asking me "What just happened?", but I have no answer. I went off the SAM-e cause of side effects, although of course the internet boasts of how SAM-e is the best thing since sliced bread cause it has "no side effects". Whatever.

A little while ago my dad suddenly woke up and started knocking on my sister's door, calling her name. She came out after awhile (probably in the middle of having sex). I listened at the doory to hear my dad whisper-yelling at her that her boyfriend was still here....odd because it was only 1:30am, and her boyfriend is always here at that time (and so is Jon). He started saying that if she or I am secretly having boyfriends sleeping over he'll be very angry....eeep! Why would he say that? I wonder if he really did see Jon sneaking out the back the other day. But perhaps he thought it was my sister's boyfriend, otherwise wouldn't he of said it to me? Good thing I didn't let Jon sleep over tonight like he wanted to. I can't believe my dad is only now getting suspicious, considering my sister's boyfriend has been living here for 6 months or more.

My sister is such a psycho. When she came home today, I told her I just went food shopping. She got all pissed off cause apparently she didn't get a chance to write down the foods she wanted on the list....ok and this is my fault how?? And then she said something, and I said "What?", and she freaked out saying "Stop yelling!!! What's your problem???" etc. After she left the room Jon and I just looked at each other and he was like what the hell? I mean she was pissed off at me because she hadn't written down what she wanted me to buy...then she starts screaming when I calmly said "what"? What a freakin psycho! She's like this all the time, she's a walking time bomb. One time I was just sitting there and she started screaming at me because apparently she could tell I was about to say something bad? She does shit like that everyday. What a mental case. I purposely bought the highest calorie butter I could find today, just for her >:) Hahahahaha! I am slowely replacing the food in my house with the highest calorie versions. Of course, this is a bit tricky because I want it to be stuff that they eat and not me. Luckily, I know that they will not eat things that say "lactose-free", "soy", or "vegetarian", so I can buy seperate low cal versions for myself. Yes I'm evil.

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