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Date: Jun. 29, 2003
Time: 1:58 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

This place sucks goat balls so far

To answer escaped-mind and anyone else who has no clue what flaxseed is, here is a good link. It is a bit technical, but scroll down to where it says what it can help with. I origionaly started taking it for depression, though it hasn't been proven to help exactly...see flaxseed is the vegetable version of fish oil, and fish oil has been proven to help with bipolar(manic) depression. Sooooo...it *might* help with depression. But after I started taking it my zits all cleared up wonderfully :) So even if it doesn't do anything for depression, I'm still taking it anyway cause it definitly helps with my skin at least. I have no idea if it's helped with my depression or not, I do know that since starting my vitamin regime it's gotten better so I have no idea if a specific one helped, if they all helped, or if none of them helped and I just felt better on my own. Anyway, remember that flaxseed must be refridgerated.

Today I worked all day. It was fucking awful. For the first half, this girl was showing me how to do stuff, so that was ok. Then she left though, and that's when it just completely sucked. People half hazardly showed me things, but mostly just did their work while I just sat there staring at the wall. It sucked, I wanted to be taught how to do stuff but everyone just did their work, once in awhile telling me to do something then walking away/talking on the phone as I asked how I was supposed to do it. So most of the time I just sat there staring, seriously for hours. I was so bored I literally wanted to cry. I hated it there today, like I did yesterday. I get to wear very dorky scrubs with animal prints. I don't really deal with the animals at all, I'm at the front desk with the other receptionists. I'd so much rather be in back with the animals, I miss taking care of them. I reminised about when I worked at an animal hospital before...I hated the people there, but the job itself I liked. I got to care for the animals all day, it was cool :) This job sucks though, I just enter information into an extremely confusing and old fashioned computer system, and no one will fucking train me. When I got home I was so depressed. Fortunatly Jon came over and cheered me up by watching the movie Ghost Ship while we made fun of how stupid it was. I don't think I have work again till Wed., hopefully things will improve. Seriously, it totally sucked.

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