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Date: Jun. 08, 2003
Time: 8:14 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

A rant on clothing sizes

Oy vey I'm so full. I didn't even eat a huge dinner or anything, it's just my stomach seems to have shrunken from the lack of eating while I was on the Strattera. Yes today was a Strattera-free day, and honestly I felt better/happier then I have since I started it! I think I'm threw with psychiatric medications, none work on me except for their varying degrees of lovely side effects. I don't want to say I'm permanantly done, but I just don't really see a point in going on any other ones...I'll ask my psychiatrist but I doubt he's going to say "Yeah don't give me business anymore" lol, so I dunno. I'd like to try St.John's Wart but you can't take that while on The Pill so forget that. I almost bought a box of SAM-e today but decided to check if I could get it cheaper somewhere else (a small box was $22!). I'm pretty sure my best bet is to just exercise daily, eat healthy, take my vitamins, amino acid complex, and flaxseed oil. At least with those things, the worst that can happen is that they do nothing for me. I can deal with that.

My illness has gone away too! Yay! My sister's pissed cause I gave it to her now *evil grin*

Today I went to the gym for an hour, then went to the mall and walked around/bought stuff for at least hour. I was pissed while trying on shorts, but not cause of what you think. I was mad because I tried on a fucking size ZERO and it was huge on me, I could have pulled it off without even unzipping it! I'm mad at that because I haven't lost weight, I'm the same weight and shape that I was all through highschool. Ten years ago I was a size 5 and now...well, less then zero. Clothing companies are such bullshit! I can't stand how each year they make the sizes larger and put smaller sizes on them, just so people will want to buy they're clothes more. I'm not just being paranoid, it's true, and I'm fucking sick of it! They need to just use the same system as they do with guys clothes, just do it by inches. I think it's so ridiculous that a size zero was huge on me, cause there's no way in hell I am that small! It wasn't just that one pair of shorts, it was all the clothes I was trying on, they were all huge on me. It would be one thing if I was losing weight, but I'm not. Infact just the other day I was wearing a pair of shorts I have that are old, and they're a size 5. I was going off about it to Jon, saying how dumb it is that I could walk into any store and buy this same pair of shorts but it would be a size 1 or 2 now. Apparently this year it's gotten even worse, since I'd have to gain fricken 30lbs to be a size 2 *rolls eyes*. Perhaps it's just this area, I don't know if it's like this in other places or what. It just really pisses me off.

Some advice needed- Can anyone help me think of ways to add extra calories/fat to my sister's diet? She makes her own food though. Yeah I'm evil, so what? If you had my sister you'd do the same. It is my mission to make her gain 5lbs. I need your help.

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