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Date: Jun. 01, 2003
Time: 3:15 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

I want a dog

I just asked my dad if I could get a dog, once again he said no. I've continually asked him this for years now, I always know the answer but I just like to harass him because I hate not having one :( I really want to adopt a greyhound, I think I'd be so much happier if I had a dog. I remember when I used to have my dog Daisy, I loved her so much, she was a greyhound/german shephard mix. I know that sounds like an odd mix, but she was so cute. I guess there really is a difference between someone who's a "dog person" and someone who isn't. I just love animals so much and I can't understand why my dad is so cold about them. I remember when my dog was 13 we gave her a Bat Mitzvah, lol. She lived to be 17, pretty old. I had her my whole life.

Last night Jon, Hilary, Katie and I went to a bar in Boston. Beforehand, Jon came over and surprised me with 2 pots of flowers, champagne and strawberries! He's so sweet! He took a towel that was on my floor and layed it out as if we were having a picnic, and lit a little candle in the center...he's so romantic *blush* So after that we picked up Hilary and Katie. Of course Mike didn't come cause he never goes ANYWHERE. I swear he's the most non-social person ever. It's extremely rare that he'll actually leave the confines of his apartment to go anywhere with us. At the bar we saw this dude that was hitting on me the last time we went there and laughed about it, he was soooo freakin weird. Jon slept over, it was a bit nerve wracking sneaking him out of the house this morning!

I really don't feel like getting dressed today. It's just one of those grey rainy days that you want to stay in your pajamas and watch tv all day. I circled some job openings in the paper, there's my one triumph of the day.

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