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Date: May. 30, 2003
Time: 11:34 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

The Mayo Nazi

As you can see, this is my new layout! I like it :) Those are Malawi African Cichlids, like the kind I have. Feel free to let me know what you think, if there's anything wrong with it, if it's too slow to load, links working, etc.

Today kinda sucked in a way, I had absolutly zero energy from the Strattera once again. I just sat around in my pajamas, and had the energy level of someone with the flu. I was mad cause it was so nice out, I really wanted to take a long walk but I just couldn't. I looked up Strattera online and saw that many people get really tired from it in the first week, and generally it ends up going away. I hope so cause shit, I'm taking this to do better in school, and I'm going to end up doing crappy from being so exhausted! I also have a lack of appitite. I don't know if this is good or bad...will it trigger me to starve myself? Or will it help me not be so afraid of my appitite and help me not eat too much? We shall see.

Yesterday I met with a physical trainer at the gym. I was pretty nervous. He weighed me (blech!) and said that my weight was fine, that I didn't need to lose any and he hoped I didn't think I needed to. He then took my body fat % and he said it's good for someone my age, especially since I just started going to the gym but still I was triggered cause Katie's body fat is lower. I mean granted she's been going to the gym for awhile now but still :P He took my blood pressure and it was a little high which stressed me out a bit, my whole life it's been on the low side, especially when I was younger. When I was young I'd frequently feel like I was going to pass out when I stood up, even though I ate normal and lots of junk food and salt, just from it being so low. Now that I'm eating normal and trying to eat really healthy and not much salt...it's high! I don't get it! Maybe it's from the Strattera. It really bothers me, I mean I looked up online stuff about high blood pressure, and basicly all the things you can do I already do. And of course my pulse was high(over 100 resting), whenever docters take it, it's always high. I asked the guy what that means and he said maybe I'm just nervous. Who knows?

Then we talked about nutrition. I told him what I ate, and he lectured me about how I should eat fat free things. He said I shouldn't have low fat dressing, only fat free; when I told him about once a week I eat a tuna sandwhich, he lectured me about how mayonaise is the worst thing for you and has tons of fat, how I shouldn't put it in tuna or use it(christ I barely even have it!), when I told him sometimes I ate chips and salsa he responded that I should eat baked ones instead (gross), and that something like that or cookies I should consider a "treat" and I should only have a treat like once a week. I mean...I thought I was doing ok with my eating, I thought I was eating pretty healthy. But after talking to him, I felt so paranoid that I eat way too much fat. I have "treats" way more often then once a week. Is that normal? I don't even know. Recently I had bought some higher fat things, I figured that now since I'm eating normal I can have some things that are not no-fat, you know? But maybe I was wrong? I already have enough guilt with eating now I feel even worse :(

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