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Date: May. 18, 2003
Time: 1:07 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Hilary kicked people out for me :)

Last night Jon and I went over Hilary and Mike's. After we got there, Hilary kept telling Jon and Mike to go rent movies, in a way that it was really obvious she wanted them out of the apartment to tell me something, but they left anyway. I was wondering what it was, till she sat down and said "So, what have you been up to?" and just proceeded to talk to me about how I'm doing, how she's doing, etc. That was so cool, that she purposly kicked the guys out just so we could catch up with each other! See I never hang out with her anymore. While we talked I reminised how back when we were in school we used to hang out all the time, like at least a few times a week. We'd hang out at her dorm, go to meals, hang out with other people, go to clubs, all kinds of stuff. Now I hang out with her like maybe twice a month. Consumed with my food/weight issues, I've slowely pushed all my friends away. So I decided from now on, I'm going to make more of an effort to be friendlier and talk to/hang out with my friends. Anyway, we watched a wicked dumb movie last night about the toothfairy.

Ok weirdo....my dad came in a few minutes ago and says "I watered the grass seeds which is supposed to be YOUR job!". What? My job? I like how he just randomly says he's doing "my job" for things that I wasn't even aware was my job! Especially considering he was the one that planted the seeds lol.

I don't even know if I want to bother with this one...my dear confused Crystal who commented, you are obviously not a therapist, you don't need to lie. I won't even reiterate what you said but it's obvious you haven't read my disclaimer or even more then one entry in here. If you don't want to know about my "day to day drama", then why are you reading? I didn't write this diary for you or anyone, except myself. So please, shoo shoo little fly.

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