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Date: May. 16, 2003
Time: 1:58 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Entry 2: questions

News: Julie just told me they're going to induce labor on Thursday!! Holy crap! She's haveing a BABY!

Stolen from toshchaya :)


-- Name: Ilana

-- Birth date: Aug.6

-- Birthplace: Boston,MA

-- Current Location: the south shore, MA

-- Eye Color: blue, grey or green (they change colors)

-- Hair Color: right now? Light brown/dirty blond

-- Height: 5'2

-- Righty or Lefty: lefty

-- Zodiac Sign: Leo


-- Your heritage: Jewish, possibly a tad Spanish

-- The shoes you wore today: blue sneakers that look kind of like All Stars but aren't.

-- Your weakness: rejection sensitive, fear of people, my left arm :P

-- Your fears: being normal(mentally), talking to people, being in a bathroom stall as I flush the toilet(don't ask).

-- Your perfect pizza: plain, very little sauce.

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: get my own apartment!


-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: "oh really"

-- Your thoughts first waking up: what time is it, what do I have to do today, I'm hungry.

-- Your bedtime: 1am-4am

-- Your most missed memory: my mom


-- Pepsi or Coke: as long as it's diet I don't care

-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds

-- Single or group dates: single (how else are you supposed to get nookie??)

-- Adidas or Nike: I hate brand names.

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: gross I hate ice tea!

-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

-- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee is nasty, go tea!


-- Smoke: yes, though not that much

-- Cuss: sometimes

-- Sing: only in the car, or to Jon :)

-- Take a shower everyday: yes or every other day

-- Have a crush: Er...on my boyfriend?

-- Do you think you've been in love: At the time I thought so, I guess?

-- Like(d) high school: It was school.

-- Want to go to college: I just signed up for some summer courses :)

-- Want to get married: eek! I don't know.

-- Believe in yourself: I try. Often don't.

-- Get motion sickness: Sometimes get car sickness.

-- Think you're attractive: sometimes

-- Think you're a health freak: definitely

-- Get along with: I dunno, pretty much most people but I'm shy and antisocial.

-- Play an instrument: no but I used to.


In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: yes

-- Smoked: yes

-- Done a drug: no

-- Had Sex: yes

-- Made Out: yes

-- Gone on a date: yes

-- Gone to the mall?: yes

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no

-- Eaten sushi: no

-- Been on stage: no

-- Been dumped: no

-- Gone skating: no

-- Made homemade cookies: no

-- Gone skinnydipping: no

-- Dyed your hair: no

-- Stolen anything: no. Wait maybe.



-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes, strip hackey sack!!

-- If so, was it mixed company: Yes

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes

-- Been caught "doing something": no not really

-- Been called a tease: yes

-- Gotten beaten up: yes

-- Shoplifted: yes

-- Changed who you were to fit in: I'm sure we all do to some extent, I try not to though, perhaps when I was young?


-- Age you hope to be married: uuuh I don't care.

-- Numbers and Names of Children: holy crap! Why are you asking me these things, I'm only 23! Hopefully none I guess, I don't want kids.

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: jesus christ man, what's this obsession with marraige and kids?

-- How do you want to die: good question. Self inflicted? Heart attack right after having really good sex?

-- Where you want to go to college: it's 20 minutes from my house. That's all you need know.

What do you want to be when you grow up: I don't know...I guess a therapist?

-- What country would you most like to visit: England

In a guy/girl..

-- Best eye color? blue

-- Best hair color? I don't care

-- Short or long hair: depends on the person, I do like long hair though

-- height: doesn't matter

-- Best weight: I don't know!

-- Best articles of clothing: I don't care

-- Best first date location: wherever

-- Best first kiss location: Uh...anywhere I guess?


-- # of drugs taken illegally: like number of kinds? Do perscription pills that aren't mine count? Probably almost 10.

-- # of people I could trust with my life: no one

-- # of CDs that I own: over 100

-- # of piercings: just my belly ring, I used to have lots of earings but they got infected and had to take them out.

-- # of tattoos: none yet

-- # of scars on my body: lots of very faint ones on my arms

-- # of things in my past that I regret: I try not to regret things.

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