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Date: Apr. 10, 2003
Time: 2:59 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Yay I have the internet again

Finally we have the internet back, those idiot carpet people broke the modem somehow. I just made a grilled cheese sandwhich! I know that doesn't sound like a big deal but I NEVER cook, so this is like a first for me! Hehe. So Jon lives near me now :) And he's inspired me to yet again, fling myself into the arms of good health. I've started keeping food down and cut back on the purging. Instead of obsessing over food/weight, I'm letting myself obsess over other things instead...I honestly think it helps a LOT to allow yourself to obsess over something while trying to recover, especially if it can be body-related, but in a positive manner. So I'm allowing myself to drown in vitamin supplements. My Flaxseed Oil pills just aren't enough, so I ordered this Omega Complex 3-6-9, as well as a bottle of Amino Acids. I must say, those Flaxseed pills work great for my skin! Since I started taking it, my zits have vanished, I highly recommend it. Yes, I'm going to become one of those fruity health weirdo people who eats organic granola bars and herbal everything. Today I was a bit distraught to realize that my multivitamins with enhanced B vitamins doesn't actually have *that* much more B vitamins.... and I also need to buy magnesium pills! Oh and some Aloe Vera juice. Possibly some Kelp too.

Yesterday was little gross. I brought up to Jon about how I haven't gotten my period in a month and a half. We worried a bit, though I explained to him that without being on The Pill my periods are irregular, plus the fact that I haven't been eating much for awhile so that could be it too. Later on we started having sex, Jon looked down and said "uuuh...you got your period!". GROSS! What a lovely surprise. Fortunatly Jon's cool about stuff like that so he wasn't all freaked out.

I started physical therapy for my arm again. So far just had one visit, she just measured how far I could move my arm, basiclly just trying to see how bad it is. I think even she was surprised at how bad it is. At one point she said "Raise your arm" so I did, and she said "Raise your arm..." again, and I said "I AM" and she was like "Oh! That's not good!". Then she told me to spread my fingers and not let her squeeze them together, so she squeezed them and said "No, don't let me squeeze them together", I said "I'm not!" so she was surprised by that too. I honestly have barely any strength/movement in my arm/shoulder. Most people are kinda shocked when they realize this, I guess I hide it pretty well. I think she's just going to start me off with stretches, she said that's pretty much all I can do right now.

Damn I'm really hungry, I need to stop eating.

This entry is pretty pointless.

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