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Date: Mar. 24, 2003
Time: 1:48 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Jon's moving here! Yay!

Here I sit, diet orange soda and sugar wafers sitting next to me. This will be binge/purge number 3 tonight, so far it seems like a pattern has been established that whenever Jon leaves sunday night, I b/p continually till he calls me or I go to sleep. I feel like crap right now emotionally. I almost cut myself earlier but I thought of Jon and knew I shouldn't.

I had a great time with him this weekend, though unfortunatly I was sick the whole time. I felt bad on Saturday cause I spent a good 4 hours drifting in and out of sleep during the day cause of being sick, he didn't even complain once and when I apologized he said don't worry about it. I wanted to go to an 80's party but I just didn't have the energy to go. But anyway guess what....Jon got an apartment here!! He was going back and forth as to whether to take the apartment, knowing that he doesn't have a job here yet, but he had to tell them by today. So he finally decided to take it, we went down there and showed me the place and we walked around the area outside. It's pretty cool, he's right in the center of town so there's tons of stores, basiclly anything he needs is within walking distance. Had to lie to my family about where it is though, it's considered a "bad area" by them. Eh whatever, seems ok to me. My aunt is so rude, the other day I told her where and she said "there's lots of black people there!"...oh no! Whoopty fricken doo! Yet she refuses to believe she's racist *rolls eyes*. Anyway I'm totally excited about it, I'll actually be able to hang out with Jon DURING THE WEEK! Hehe, we joked how neither of us have jobs right now so we're probably just going to hang out constantly and annoy the shit out of each other. Next weekend he's bringing some stuff to move into the apartment, and then the weekend after that is when he's officially moving in, I'm going to drive down to New York to help bring stuff back here. I just really hope he finds a job!

I actually managed to cut down on purging a lot Friday and Saturday, I bought a whole bunch of easy to digest foods (Ensure, applesauce, yogurt, etc) as well as stuff to help me digest food(just over the counter stuff so probably not that strong). I figure I should do it slowely instead of just eating anything I felt like when I tried to recover before...basiclly the whole three months my stomach killed. So far seems to be working out ok, with some minimal discomfort, trying to have a bunch of smaller easy to digest meals meaning low fat/low fiber, like they would do at an ED hospital/clinic(and yes I'm calling that place tomorrow). Of course right now that has all gone to shit, but hopefully tomorrow I can pick up the pace again and keep stuff down.

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