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Date: Dec. 20, 2002
Time: 1:56 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Package of cookies

Blech! You know those packages of Chips Ahoy cookies? Yep I ate a whole package, most of it last night and then the remaining few this morning. Why? Cause I wanted cookies, that's the simple answer. I was doing ok eating somewhat normal, but lately I'm starting to binge again. Not sure if there's a reason for this or not...I can't use the excuse of "It's holiday stress!!!" cause it's not, I don't even celebrate christmas.

I was going to go to the army navy store today, but I don't know if I'm going to, I'm just so damn comfortable in my pajamas! Must I ever get dressed? It's my day off by the way. I wish I had a clone that I could make do things for me that I don't feel like doing. Wouldn't that be nice?

The other day when Julie came into my work, she looked at me and smiled saying "Wow you're showing off your cute figure!". Mind you I was wearing the same outfit I always do to work lol. I could tell she meant that I gained weight...she watches my weight like a fucking HAWK. I swear, if I lost just a pound she would know. So it kind of made me feel good, cause she wasn't like "oh you gained weight" which could be a mixed message, she said it in a nice way with a big smile too. She liked my hair too, everyone keeps complimenting me on it. I'm still not sure if I like it. I've never had my hair layered before, especially since it's chin length and layered, sort of a weird combonation if ya ask me. But hey, whatever. At least it took a lot of the red out, I'm trying to grow out my hair and it's taking forever. Truthfully my hair tends to grow pretty fast, but still I'm impatient.

I'm still wishing I had a man, and it makes me feel stupid. I mean really, I don't need a guy, I should be happy being single! But...it's just starting to get old, and I find myself wishing I had someone. I know this sounds wicked lame, but I wish I had a guy to just take care of me...eek why did I just say that?? I guess I miss the way guys always treat me like this little doll, probably cause I always seem to go out with really tall guys. I love when they pick me up and tell me how little and light I am. I miss arguing with a guy, not in a fighting way but play fighting, I love giving guys shit. Ok this is all stupid cause I like being miss feminist bitch but oh well, I admit I want a boyfriend.

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