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Date: Dec. 07, 2002
Time: 11:40 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Answer me damn you!

I'm still sick, but I went to work today. I felt like shit when I went in, but then felt better later on, though now I had to take a antacid pill cause I could feel stomach acid in my throat, blech. I wonder if that will get better with time or if I will permentantly have stomach problems now? Now I forget what I was going to write about.

Well anywho, here's some questions for you guys to answer (in the Comments):

1) What is the difference between acid indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, and acid reflux?

2) Why does Diaryland have guestbooks, notes, and comments available? Aren't they pretty similiar? I can see the difference with comments, but why have both a guestbook AND notes?

3) Why don't more people use words like copasetic or nifty more often in conversation?

4) What is your opinion on pocketbooks? Do you find they hold a deeper meaning, do you have a political stance on them?

5) What type of aquarium should I set up in my 29 gallon fish tank? Tropical(community), aggressive, salt water, brackish, goldfish? Forgo the fish and buy another reptile instead?

6)What's your favorite bodywash/soap?

7) What's your opinion on Cast pages in diaries? Don't read them, or a must? Should I make one?

8) I'm thinking of changing the layout of my diary, what do you think? Any ideas? Themes?

Weeeeeeee that was fun :-P

What kind of Goth would you be?

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