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Date: Nov. 30, 2002
Time: 12:31 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Damn hoes be acting up!

Today I worked as usual. After that I talked on the phone with Hilary, as she explained to me about how the lyrics to The 12 Days of Christmas are actually all metaphores (because a webpage said so). Then I went over Julie's with Katie. And I found out that Katie was keeping something from me on purpose! She said that her now exboyfriend Brandon (they just broke up) never went down on her! Can you believe that?? She did it to him but he wouldn't do it back, mother fucker! Hehe, she said she purposly didn't tell me that because she knew I'd get pissed. Well seriously, what the fuck? Why do so many women allow that behavior? If some guy refused to do stuff to me, I'd be like get the fuck out of my bed bitch! Even if it was actually his bed. I wish women didn't have such low self worth, so many women allow men to just walk all over them, and not treat/give them what they deserve. I just find it heartbreaking that she didn't realize that she shouldn't even have to ask for something like that, and that she would actually stay in a relationship with someone who would only recieve and not give. I'm sorry but there's no excuse for that, and this goes to all of you out there too...you should demand that a guy treat you right!! If he doesn't, kick his ass to the curb! You don't need that shit. And I don't care if you think he's a nice guy, any guy who doesn't treat you in a respectful and reciprical manor, dump his ass, end of story. It makes me sad when I see people putting up with behaviors that I would never put up with, and how it's easy for me to see that they should get out of the relationship, but to them they just don't realize they deserve better. Sure, I get called difficult, a bitch, arguementitive, stubbern, bossy in bed, and a slew of similar terms, but you know what? I don't give a shit, because I get what I want. I don't put up with shit, and guys know that. Ok yes in the past I've been with guys that jerked me around and were manipulative and mean to me, but god, now I would NEVER be with someone like that. It's so weird, looking back and thinking "What the fuck was I thinking??? Was that even me?". I think most people just don't realize how easy it is to dump someone. Just do it, get rid of the fucker, and that's it. It's fairly easy to find someone else. Unless you're like me who has become so rigid in my expectations that I don't think I will ever find someone who will match them. But that's ok, I don't mind. I'd rather wait till I find someone who's not a loser, then to settle for some idiot. People need to have more self worth, and more pride. Many people just don't even realize that they CAN be treated better, which is the sad part. I shall now drink my tea.

Julie showed me the picture from the ultrasound....a baby! Hehe, I still can't believe she's actually pregnent.

And if you are still reading this entry and are not bored to tears yet, I want to send another shout out to you all who have been leaving me comments and guestbook entries, I really appreciate it! They make me think, they make me laugh, they make me re-analyze what I've said. Thank you :)

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