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Date: Oct. 23, 2002
Time: 1:04 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

The letter P, making out with Christopher, that dude who's name I don't know, and McDonalds

A few minutes ago I was writing a grocery list and I wondered why the word "syrup" looked so odd. It literally took me awhile to realize I wrote "syrub", I always write "b" when I try to write "p", isn't that weird?? I'm not dyslexic, but I am with the those 2 letters, no idea why. Is it possible to be like just a tad dyslexic? I mess up with words a little in other ways too. My sister says she reads signs backwards, like instead of seeing "Deaf Child" she'll read "Child Deaf". Hmmmmmmmm....... the real question is, why am I talking about this?

I went over Christopher's last night, we played Smash Brothers on the X-Box system or whatever it's called, then watched a wicked funny blacksploitation film which I forget the name of, and then we made out *puuurrr* Yay that was fun ;) Unfortunatly I had my stupid period though, mother fucker!! Christopher asked what happened to my knuckle..errr...."Repeated stuffing of my hand down my throat while the abrasiveness of my teeth ravage my hand" I said. lol no I didn't, I'm just kidding! I just said "Oh, it's from work. It's just really dry skin from sticking my hand in the fish tanks all day." Damn, need to put some cream or something on it. We talked about wacky past relationships, though it was mostly me since he's pretty much just dated normal girls, not like me who always gets the fucking weirdos...like the ex-herion addict manipulating mean guy who couldn't get it up, the cheese curl dick guy, the guy who had been in 3 mental hospitals cause he had gotten kicked out of the first 2.... I could go on.

Oh and I officially now have a fan at McDonalds! That lady that upped my small fries to a medium free of charge the other day, well today she gave me a free large fries! I didn't even have to pay for them, she just gave them to me. Rock on man. I ate there on my break at work, I was a little late back from purging (only 15 minutes to do both, eep!), but no one noticed.

Yesterday that guy that I wrote about, the one that liked me and I turned him down cause I didn't know how to react, well I gave him my number! We were walking after class and jokingly he said I turned him down, and I said "Well you only asked me one time" and gave him my *hey baby* look/attitude. When we got to the parking lot we said bye and he walked towards his car, but then halfway he stopped and came back to me and said "Well the problem is you live off campus, so I can't really get ahold of you.." and before he got to finish I said I'd give him my phone number ;) There's only one problem....what's his NAME????

I got my Human Sexuality midterm back today, got a 67 :( Oh well, then again I didn't study at all or go to half the classes, and that's actually what the class average was anyway. We still have other major grades and stuff though, hopefully I can bring it up!

Ok bye bye, I must spew forth~

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