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Date: Oct. 16, 2002
Time: 12:34 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com


I'm tired, just got home from work and now I have to get up at 6:30am! That's ok, it's getting hard to sleep more then 5 hours at a time anyway. Why you ask? Because I'm doing so well with my "diet"! Yes, malnutrition=inability to sleep. I've been having 500 calories a day, and binge/purging like once a day, sometimes every other day and sometimes twice a day, but mainly just once. I was trying to think when was the last time I kept down a more then 500 cals, but I'm not sure I forget. I'm just so excited that soon I will be thin, just 7 more pounds till I'm 93! Geez I sound so lame, but hey give me a break I'm exhausted. I don't even feel like typing about anything, nothing too interesting. Went to the bars the other night and got hit on by some 36 year old retard who called himself Magic and ate lizards. Thrilling. He said I look like Fiona Apple. Took a midterm today, probably did VERY shitty on it since I didn't study at all, and haven't gone to half the classes. But that will all change, I'm going to do WELL in school! Besides this, nothing worth mentioning... my sister loving the attention of people saying she has an eating disorder, even though she doesn't, same shit as usual. Ok I'm fucking tired as hell, goodnight!

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