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Date: Oct. 04, 2002
Time: 12:21 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

"Sounds like a bunch of lame random crap to me"-For the Love of Nancy

So here I am once again. Today was supposed to be spent doing tons of homework and studying, yet didn't actually do anyting till just now. But hey, it was an extra credit assignment so at least that's good that I did it right? I have a science test tomorrow which is going to SUCK considering I didn't study at all. I'll study before class tomorrow, hopefully that will be enough. I also have to take a roll of pictures, they were actually due last week but since I didn't go to photography class... god I'm so behind in that class, it's awful. Everyone is printing their film and I haven't even taken any pictures. This past class, I just kind of sat there while everyone printed, wanting to cut myself so bad and feeling claustrophobic. I felt like shit inside, so I quietly slipped out to have a cigerette and waste some time. While outside I met this guy, he was pretty cool. His friend is in the band London After Midnight! Weird. He's so skinny, I could see his collar bones through his shirt. So we talked and talked, and suddenly the the clock chimed, and I realized class was over. Eep! So I went back up to get my bag, hoping the teacher was already gone...no such luck. He saw me and said "Hey what happened to you??". I was so embarrised, I felt really bad cause he's such a nice teacher, I mean I kinda just left, and after already being behind. He seemed kinda pissed at me, but I asked if I could do hang my roll of film before the next class to help catch up faster, he seemed kinda iffy on whether I'd actually show up to do it, but I will. I've been so shitty in school so far, skipping class constantly and not doing barely any assignments, my teachers are NOT to happy!

Something annoying: I have hives on my hands, elbows and knees! As well as the hives still on my stomach. Except these ones are from the liquid softners I used in my laundry this week. Normally I just throw detergant in and turn on the machine, but this week I decided to be all cool and put not only one, but 2 softners in with the wash. So of course me and my stupid sensitive skin are allergic to it. Blah.

Mouse update: I caught the mouse! Yes, again. I found him in the bread basket in the kitchen. Little fucker.... I wish my snake would shed already so I can feed him.

Last night I purged, and this morning I did too. Both were normal sized meals, I doubt I will tomorrow. This morning as I was putting 3 pieces of fried chicken into the microwave as part of the "binge", my dad's friend Jerry walked over and said "You're going to eat ALL THAT?" I got so embarrised, when it was done I ate one piece, started on the next but then just threw it all away and purged. Oh and last night I took Milk of Magnesia, a type of laxative (and I was good, I only took the recommended amount). Suddenly the idea of "Hey, I should use this more often!" popped into my head, so I'm trying to convince myself that's not a good thing to start on. I know all the dangers of lax....but... I dunno we'll see what happens.

Today I felt like dog poo. My skin was devoid of all color except for it being all yellow from my meds once again. Maybe tomorrow I will go get my blood tested, I really need to do that. I'm such a lazy shit. I ended up laying in bed depressed till about 3pm, till I finally got up enough motivation(self hate?) to exercise. I wonder if the Serzone is making me more depressed? Cause lately it's been pretty fucking bad.

Yesterday was the 3 year anniversary of my mom's death.

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