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Date: Sept. 28, 2002
Time: 4:50 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Apple picking!

Today I went apple picking with Katie :) We went to the same place we go to every year. It was cool, I got a bag of apples, a little box of rasberries and a pumpkin. Apple picking is so fun, and they taste better then the apples you get from the grocery store. I'm so tired now though. On the way there and back, we saw that guy that plays the guitar! This guy just stands outside and plays guitar to the passing cars, he's such a weirdo, Katie and I decided that one day we'll actually stop and talk to him. Tonight I'm hanging out with Jim, I'm not sure what we're doing though. Damn, I need to go puke and then just take a nap, I'm soooooooo tired.

Oh and by the way, I'd like to thank everyone for leaving me comments! I always read them :) So a giant hug for anyone who's ever left me a comment!

In other news, did you realize if you go to the Ask Jeeves search engine and ask what is the meaning of life, it will actually tell you? Well, more like an article will pop up. Also, if you ask "Why am I here?", an article about being worm food pops up, lol. Now that's my kind of answer ;) I saw that they have a kids Ask Jeeves search engine, apparently for 7-14 year olds. Out of curiosity, I typed in some words to see what would happen. You can not get any information about eating disorders on it. That's too bad, considering that's the age group when kids start getting EDs. You'd think they'd be able to have access to something that affects them? Guess not. Yet the word depression brings up many webpages. You know, that makes me want to write a complaint email to them.

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