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Date: Sept. 26, 2002
Time: 2:25 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Wish Julie could just enjoy being pregnant

I just got the sudden urge to listen to "Sick of myself" by Matthew Sweet. I randomly love this song.

The other day while walking through a door at school, I looked up to see a guy wearing a NIN shirt, was about to give a "hey baby" look, when I realized...he was like 17-18 years old, eek! I felt like such a child molester, lol. That's the bad thing about being 23 and still in college.

Julie wants to hang out and go shopping, I said I would but damn I'm so tired I just want to stay in my pajamas and lie around all day. And I just realized...by hanging out with her I'm going to have to eat dinner with her too :( That kinda sucks, when knowing you're going to eat a meal with friends makes you not want to hang out with them. *sigh* I'm just so tired, especially after I just threw up a little while ago. Just want to rest.

Oh, when I was talking to Julie last night, I guess she got a blood test done and it's confermed, she is definitly pregnant!! That's so odd! I mean ya, she is married and stuff, but still, my Julie! Pregnant! I've known her since she was 8 years old. The thing that bothers me is that she keeps going on and on about the weight gain part of being pregnant, I just want to shake her and say "But it doesn't matter, you're going to have a baby!! Who cares about the weight?". I'm such a hypocrite though, you know? It's just so sad that in the society we're in, when a woman is pregnant the weight gain issue almost exclipses the baby itself. The weird thing is that she doesn't have an eating disorder, and I am the one who always has to tell her how she's not fat, and all that stuff, yet I do have one! I dunno, it just really bothers me how when we were talking about it, she focused more on how she's going to lose the weight afterwards then anything else. I just wish she's enjoy being pregnant. Weight shouldn't be an issue. It's odd how between me, Katie and Julie, Julie is the one without an ED but she talks about feeling fat more then Katie or I do. Katie and I never mention food or weight infront of people, unless it's just us two.

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