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Date: Sept. 18, 2002
Time: 12:35 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Someone please shoot me I have class at 8:30am

I just finished watching 10 Things I Hate About You. That movie's cool :) Ya ya, I know, it's one of those teeny bopper "everyone falls in love by the end" type of movie, but you know what...I like those kind of movies! It's not really my "style" to like those things I guess *looking down at my The Evil Dead shirt I'm wearing*, but I dunno, those movies always make me wish I could find my one true love...disgusting that I just said that I know, but still. I even watched a Jennifer Love Hewit movie today, I think it's called As Good As It Gets, is that it? Oh, and Clueless!! Damn, I'm like, a total valley girl today *flips hair while opening up a Teen magazine*.

The past 2 days I've been gorging myself with food, sickening. And by that I mean no, I haven't been purging it! Well today I purged twice, but still ate other stuff that I didn't puke. But alright, starting tomorrow I'm on a strict regime! Must remember to take diet pills at required times, and a low caloric limit will be enforced! I actually was doing ok today at first, only had a banana and a plum, but then I missed my class and that made me upset, cause I really did want to go, and I ended up just eating and eating cause I was stressed.

I've actually been missing a lot of classes, it's really bad of me. The add/drop class forms are due on Thursday, and I've put off having hte forms signed for the ones that I'm dropping so now I don't know if I can get them in ontime! Why do I do this?? Well it doesn't help that right when school started my mood decided to take a nose dive, and get too depressed to do anything but lie in bed all day. Such a waste of a sperm and egg I am. Why did my meds stop working?? This really sucks, I mean how could their timing be any worse? I'll up them tomorrow and see if it helps, hopefully I won't get the side effects I seem to get at the higher doses of it.

On another note, my 5 gallon hexigon tank is sitting on my desk empty, I'm not sure what to do with it. I can't put my baby turtle in it, cause it's high not long. I'm thinking of putting frogs in it, that would be cute :) A couple red bellied toads, some green tree frogs...I'd love to put a White's tree frog in, but they get too big. Hmmmm. I just don't want to overload myself with animals, cause then I won't be able to take care of them all, I already have 4 reptiles, a tank of fish, and a Betta fish...too much? I'll have to think about this.

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