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Date: Sept. 16, 2002
Time: 12:53 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Bitching about the pet store

I'm not really in the mood to write an entry. The past few days I've been starting to get more depressed again, I upped my pills a little but doesn't seem to be helping. This sucks. I feel like someone is ripping my heart out and squashing it on the floor, yet I have no idea why I feel like this. Oh well.

I got sooooo pissed off at work at yesterday, I went into the reptile room and was livid when I saw all the Anole lizards ribs were showing! Then I looked at the hermit crabs and they hadn't been fed since I fed them LAST WEEKEND! See I've only been working weekends now. I checked the Iquanas, and sure enough the left over fruit in their food dish was hard as a rock, meaning they haven't been fed for at LEAST 3 days, maybe longer. That's fucking animal abuse. Then I looked at the deads list, and saw that there were a bunch of dead frogs/reptiles on it. I talked to Kristen(assistant manager) and she was already bullshit about the reptile room, and was saying how there are tons of dead reptiles on the deads sheet(usually there's like none praticly), and how her and this other girl had to stay till 11pm cleaning out the room cause it was completely trashed! So today the manager Lenny came in, and I talked to him about it. He better do something about it, because this is awful, and I can't work in a pet store where there are animals being abused. I did it before, and I won't do it again. I mean really, how hard is it to feed the animals?? It takes 2 seconds! This pisses me off behond belief. I start working only on the weekends, and this is what happens. I'm so sick of that shit. Also Lenny said there have been loads of fish deads. Jesus christ people, fucking DO YOUR JOB! Ontop of this, I had the worlds stupidest customers come in. Some guy wanted to put 48 goldfish into a 5 gallon fish tank. Yes, 5 gallons. I was like ummm they're all going to be dead by the morning, he was like oh that's ok, I just want to see them swim around for a night. What a dick! And I forget who else, just people pissing me off constantly. Word of advice: If you go to a pet store, LISTEN to what the person is trying to tell you! Infact, better yet, if you're going to get a pet or have animal problems, just email me/sign my guestbook and I will tell you how to take care of it. Because everyone else in the world is stupid and I know everything. So there!

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