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Date: Aug. 27, 2002
Time: 3:46 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Eeek I need a credit card!

I'm hungry. But I just binged/purged earlier and then just ate a piece of fruit, so nevermind. Someone from the army just called me and I agreed to meet with them tomorrow, weird! Personally I'm not very patriotic and don't really believe in working for the army, but if I can do something to help pay for school that would be good right? I figure if they can help pay for school, we won't have to use as much of the inheritance to pay for it, and can use it for when I get an apartment. The only thing is I don't know if I would qualify, I mean I wouldn't be doing actual army things cause of my dumb handicrapped arm, but if it was something like doing stuff with computers or whatever, I can do that. I'll see.

I just finished watching Passions, I like almost cried because they did this whole memory sequence of little Timmy :( He was my favorite character on the show, that sucks that he died in real life. And what the fuck, Tabitha and Julian????? What's up with THAT?! Damn, that's just wrong.

I finally called John last night, I feel bad I haven't called him in like 2 months! He emailed me a couple weeks ago asking what's up and that we haven't talked in awhile. I remember back when I would wait and wait for his calls, savoring every chance to talk to him. I'm glad I'm passed that, I mean obviously he's still a cool guy and I care about him but not all heartbroken like I used to be. We talked for hours as usual. I feel bad cause whenever we talk now, he seems kind of...I don't know, unhappy. Ah well, he'll figure things out.

Oh I forgot to write about it before, but the other night Katie was telling me how she's sort of relapsing, starting to binge a lot again. I told her that I relapsed too. I felt bad though, cause she acted like I died, she said in a sad way "That's too bad. I really thought you were going to make it.", I felt so guilty for telling her. I wish she wouldn't act like I'm dying.

Oh I'm so pissed! I applied for a Victoria's Secret card, and I got declined! They said I don't have enough credit. That sucks. So I guess I should get a credit card so I can build up some credit. Now I'm worried that I won't get the apartment cause I have no credit! Fuck. I'm pretty good with not going crazy spending cash, I think if I had a credit card I'd be pretty responsible with it. Ok, off to go to more of nothing!

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