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Date: Aug. 20, 2002
Time: 11:08 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

A Rant

So I'm finally done with my website project! Whew! Now I started working on my new surprise webpage, this isn't for class. I'm not saying what it is, but when I'm done I'll put up the link. I still have a lot to work on, it's a big site(so far I'm thinking it will be 13 pages long, to start with)! Ya, I gotta get my ass in gear with it, I started working on it awhile ago but stopped when I started my course.

Earlier today I was throwing up in the bathroom, when suddenly out of nowhere my sister knocked on the door and said "Can I come in?", how long was she standing there?? That was so weird, I didn't even hear her come down the stairs. That totally freaked me out. I just said I was going to the bathroom and I heard her walk away.

Also I cleaned my toilet today, GROSS!!!! No seriously, I had to cause it was so fuckin nasty, there was stuff growing all over the sides and....ick. I need to not be such a slob.

And now a rant on a guestbook entry:

"You're 'in recovery'? Good luck. However, if you're trying to beat the disease why be so opposed to a site which has the aim of closing down the sites which promote it as a lifestyle? Noone is trying to remove support sites and forums. We're trying to remove sites and diaryrings which actively portray eating disorders as a 'good thing' and offer tips on starvation. Nice trigger picture on the site, by the way. I'm sure that's very helpful to your continuing recovery." -a guestbook message by Stop Pro Ana

That really pisses me off. Yes, I was trying to recover...so why would that mean that I'm suddenly all for shutting down pro-ana sites? Regardless if I recover or not, that wouldn't affect my opinion on that. I also think they need to re-check their definition of pro-ana. First off, the term pro-ana means SO many different things to different people, that you can't even lump it all together saying it says haveing an ED is a good thing or promoting it. I think that's the stereotypical view on "pro-ana", and that's wrong. Of course like I said, everyone's different, some webpage may be pro-ana and actually say having an ED is a good thing, who knows, but the majority do NOT say that!!! Infact, most likely any single pro-ana site you find will say it's a BAD thing. People get all confused by the name "Pro-ana"...it sounds as if it's like "Yay eating disorders are good everyone should have one!", but it's not that at all. It's basicly a state of not being in recovery, or aiming for it. What's wrong with that? Nothing is, because you can't force yourself to recover, and neither can anyone else. And if you want to make a website for other like minded people who also aren't trying to recover, how is that bad? Most of these sites out-right say "This is for people who already have an eating disorder, if you don't have one this is not for you, and eating disorder is NOT a diet", so they aren't trying to teach people how to have one. Also, who the fuck is going to get an ED from looking at a website??? I mean seriously, if you know ANYTHING about ED's, you would know that there is much more involved then reading something about it and suddenly aquiring one. That's total bullshit. And one thing that REALLY pissed me off about that, what do you mean trigger picture?? I did not put that up to trigger me or anyone else, I put it there cause I LIKE THE PICTURE! Geez. Why would looking at that picture make it harder for me to recover?? Seriously, it's a fucking picture that seems like the way I feel, I mean really. If looking at that picture would make me relapse, then...I would be a fucking retard or something. God, that just pisses me off that I put up a picture because it has some kind of meaning to me, and then someone writes it off with a snide comment saying it's just a trigger picture. I'm sorry but there are much bigger things in life to make someone relapse then a picture of a girl on a hand.

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