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Date: Aug. 19, 2002
Time: 3:40 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Why did I do that with Jim??

I haven't been online much lately. I've been busy getting trashed every night(4 nights in a row, damn!!) and....other things. Right now I'm taking a break from working on my webpage that's due tomorrow, hehe so I come online for my break, I'm such a geek. My page is almost done, still got to add some pages and then add all kinds of random HTML just cause I know she wants it. Anyway, on to the good stuff....

The other night I did something REALLY BAD!! Here's what happened: Jim called me up, and for the first time in...geez I don't even know how long, maybe a year, he sounded like his old self(incase you don't know Jim is my friend and exboyfriend). See for awhile now he's always sullen and grumpy, doesn't say much. Before this he was the life of the party type of guy, so it's weird. So we talked and ended up hanging out. When I came to his door and saw him, I was also psyched to see him looking more himself too... instead of randomly starting to dress all preppy like he has been for awhile now, he was back to wearing a Morbid Angel(death metal band) shirt with the sleeves cut off. We went to this place to play pool, and ended up running into 2 of his friends Alex and Paul. It was cool! I haven't seen them in forever. We played pool and got trashed, it was really fun :) It reminded me of old times so much. See, not only has Jim been moody for the past year, he NEVER hangs out with his friends. When me and Jim used to go out, we'd hang out with his friends all the time, party and get trashed. So this was like a "whoa flashback" type of night.

Then I did the bad thing. We went back to his place and talked, then put in the movie "Throw Mamma From the Train", and halfway through the movie we ended up making out!! Why did I do that???? I don't want to be with him. We went out for 2 years a few years back, and now it's like...weird! I almost see him as like a brother now. I feel bad though, cause when we went out he was inlove with me. I can't believe I did something so mean. After we made out, I did the "Oooh...umm...damn, look at the time, Gotta go!" type of thing, and left as fast as possible! I can't believe I did that. Bad bad bad. And considering I just hooked up with Christopher a couple nights before that! Anyway, I have to go take a shower and get ready for work, I'll update more later on.

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