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Date: Jul. 30, 2002
Time: 5:04 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Got my hair cut, and I'm such a wuse

My fight or flight instict is in full gear once again. I looked online at the class website, and it didn't say what was due tonight!! Fuck. I know something is due. I know I was supposed to do something....but what? She put up a list of HTML codes but that's all, was I supposed to make a small page? My immediate response: don't go to class, skip it. Why do I have such an over active "Flight instict"? The second something is wrong, run far far away. Avoidence is key. Sure, this isn't the best way to handle things, like EVER, but I don't what else to do. So I don't know what to do.... it's only once a week which means skipping one class is bad, and I've already skipped one. Fuck fuck fuck stupid stuuuuupid! Why am I like this, scared to go to class? Who the fuck gets scared to go to class? *sigh* I should just like, drop out, move to a crack house and start shooting up herion till I one day die of an overdose. That sounds like a neat plan.

I got my hair cut today finally! See(as usual see my lovely fake smile):

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