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Date: Jul. 05, 2002
Time: 5:42 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com


Tonight Hilary, Mike, Katie and I went to see the fireworks in Boston. I was glad it had cooled down a bit by the time we got there, this afternoon it was above 100 degrees! It was cool, got to walk around and see all the white trash who had decided to come flocking out today, yes for some reason there were TONS. Then again I have pink flamingo yard decorations, so I shouldn't talk. It was odd the large amount of military presence, army guys, navy, police officers. We saw some state police harassing some foreigners, an innocent looking Hindu couple that were just sitting there, they made them take out their licenses and shit. I seriously wanted to go over and bitch those asshole cops out, goddamn racial profiling! Oh so guess who played while we were there... Barry Manilow! I can now die happy. Just kidding, he's lame. They also flew fighter jets in formation, now THAT was cool! Finally after 100 years it seemed, the fireworks came on. They were pretty good, better then last year. One part that was stupid was when they suddenly started blareing George Bush's voice while the fireworks were going on. Ufff, talk about annoying. He just needs to like, I don't know, fall down a sewer already. But then they redeamed themselves by playing the bagpipes! YEAH! I'm definitly a big fan of the bagpipes. Infact I wish I had pipes of my own, though I doubt anyone would appreciate me practicing on them.

Umm...so anyway, I actually ate a bunch today without purging. Not saying I didn't purge today, just saying I ate a bunch that I did NOT purge. I think I got a little too "Woohooo go bulimia!", need to settle down a little there. Back and forth, back and forth. Yay, welcome to my life. Man I REALLY don't want to go to work tomorrow. I haven't been in days, seriously I just want to stay at home and do absolutly nothing for the rest of my putrid existance and then I will be completely satisfied. Ouch, my gums are hurting still. It's been like a week I think. Maybe I should call a dentist. There are so many people I need to call, and I just keep forgetting. Psychiatrist, dentist, School(so they can set me up with an internship), Orthopedic Surgen, don't remember who else.

Katie told me that apparently her and her roommate have not gotten kicked out yet, that eviction thing is just a rumor so far. He is still moving out though, and she said if I want I can move in, that way we have a place! And it's REALLY cheap too, only $750 for a 2 bedroom!!! Incase you didn't know, in Boston this is unheard of. If you find a studio apartment for that amount, it's considered a good price. But then there's also Tammy, we've been talking about moving in together too. I feel so....so pressured that I'm going to end up hurting someone. Both Tammy and Katie really can not live at home, they don't have good family lives. And I feel like it is up to me to "save" them. If they go back to living at home, it's my fault, I should be able to help them. So I don't know what to do. Maybe I can see if Tammy can come live in the 2 bedroom? I just can't leave her to go home in that situation, but then same with Katie. If either of them lives at home and is upset it will be ALL MY FAULT! I really think Katie's apartment would be the best idea though as far as living anywhere, that is really the cheapest place we will ever find, if we move out then we will have to share something much much smaller. Only problem is it has very few outlets, only one per room! My animals!!!! They need like 1,000 outlets! That's ok, I'll somehow make due...there's no air conditioning, so I'll be able to unplug some of the heat lamps and such. Plus I have tons of those thingies, those outlet whatever things. You know what I'm saying. Another cool thing, is that..ok this may sound really strange, but I've ALWAYS wanted to live in a ghetto! lol! No really, while other people dream of living in fancy houses, really all I want is to live in the bad area of boston. That's me. I have no idea why, I just feel more comfortable there. Living middle class makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe it's because I was always told that I am spoiled because I have a roof over my head? I was always made to feel like I have to much, and that I don't deserve it. Not like I'm rich though, I'm just regular, you know? So when you're just regular and you're told that you have to much...I mean really. Christopher said "oh no now I'm going to worry about you all the time!!" when I told him where I might live, but really it's not that bad I don't give a shit. Besides, I've been told by many people that upon first meeting me I scared them. Mind you, I'm 5'2 and under 100lbs, I have no idea how I'm scary, lol, but apparently I am. BOO! Well anyway, it's not *too* bad their. Sometimes people get killed there, but not usually, so that's good right?

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