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Date: Jun. 28, 2002
Time: 4:32 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Downloading songs

Right now I'm using Kazaa to download various things such as Tears For Fears, Gary Jules, as well as games such as some game called Butt Sex, Tetris and other random shit. I miss Audiogalaxy though! Damn the powers that be, why did they have to get shut down?? Hmmm....what songs should I download? I can't even think of any bands I want to listen to. Maybe...eeek, the new Korn cd? No, that would be lame of me, Korn sucks now. Hey maybe I'll look at my survey thingy and actually download some of the bands people suggested to me! Yay! Oh my god, i absolutly love the song "Head Over Heals" by Tears For Fears. And ever since I saw Donnie Darko again the other day it's been in my mind constantly. Anyone who hasn't seen it....SEE IT! You have to, I'm forcing you. I don't really have anything interesting to say, not like I ever do but hey that's alright. Well I've figured out one thing, and that's that I don't like Tristania(one of the bands someone suggested), but that's ok, we all have different tastes. Makes me feel like I'm at one of those Medival-fest thingies though! Now listening to American Head Charge, they seem pretty cool.

Hmmm. I'm bored. My dad is leaving for Alaska with Donna on Monday, yay! PARTYYYYYYYYYY! Actually earlier the idea popped into my head that I should fast while he's gone. I don't know why, I mean I don't eat meals with him anyway, I could fast perfectly fine with him being here. Just seems like a good idea for some reason. Then again it's not cause if I'm having people come over and party, I'll need food in my stomach if I'm drinking. We'll see how it goes.

Oh and yes, I did end up eating more after my last entry, I pigged out today wicked bad!!

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