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Date: Jun. 19, 2002
Time: 6:39 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

We got the apartment!!!!!!

Oh my god!! We got the apartment!!! *jump jump jump* I can't believe it!!! I'm moving out! The date that we can move in is July 1st. Man..I haven't told my dad yet, I'm afraid to! I don't know why, I guess cause I've never moved out before, the only time I've lived away from home was when I lived away at school in Conneticut for a year. And let me tell you, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders when I went there. Man this is so cool...moving out...how do I tell my dad? I mean my sister's going away to college this fall, so we will both be leaving, he'll be all alone. I feel bad for leaving him here, then again, why do I assume that he WANTS me here? Maybe tomorrow I will tell him, today is too soon. Wow, how in the world am I going to move my stuff??? I can't even move much at all cause of my bad shoulder, and I hope my animals don't get stressed out from the move!

One thing, Katie said that our idea of having 5 people live there, the woman said no, only 4, cause it's a 4 bedroom. So the other 2 people backed out. So Mike has another girl in mind to live with us. Um, completly ignoring the fact that this whole time I've been saying I I know someone that really needs to find a place...why doesn't anyone listen to me? So I brought her up again, saying you know, that girl Tammy still needs a place.....REMEMBER. But it seems like Katie and Mike are the "main" people in this thing right now, since they have already been living together, you know? So it's like they make the final decisions, at least that's what it seems like to me, doesn't seem fair really, but oh well. Katie said Mike will ask the girl he was thinking about, and if she says no then I will ask Tammy and see if she still wants to move in. I feel bad cause I think Tammy will be homeless if she doesn't move in with us.

I'm so bad, it's 6:30pm and I"m in my pajamas, I feel like such a bum. Well all my clothes are in the wash, what do ya want?? Hey I think I'll go for a bike ride later! After Bud did that $400 worth of work on my bike, you'd think I'd ride it once in awhile? Nope, I haven't ridden it once. It's so nice out though, once I take a shower and my clothes are out of the drier, I will take a bike ride. I do need exercise. My VCR wasn't working earlier for some reason, I tried doing my 80's aerobics tape(complete with headbands and leg warmers!), but it wouldn't work, not sure if the tape finally busted or if the VCR needs work?? It better not, it's not that old. Exciting stuff.

Today so far I've managed not to throw up :) I've had 330 calories? Something like that? Normally I would have thrown that up, but I've kept it down, I'm trying. So far so good. I think I will have 500 calories a day and keep it down, that will be my goal.

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