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Date: Jun. 19, 2002
Time: 10:29 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com


"I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless, and in this moment I am happy, happy"- Incubus

Ew I hate Incubus, why do I like them? I just got back from food shopping, and was conciquently reminded why I don't wear shorts, I'm freezing! Yes it's the summer, I know that. I will only be happy when I live on the equater, till then, I'll stick to pants. Earlier I did end up going for that bike ride, only for like 5 minutes though, literally, lol, how sad. My knees just couldn't take it though. For some reason I've just always had bad knees, I remember even as a kid riding my bike with friends I had difficulty a little. I'll have to start riding more to build up strength. My fingers are having that annoying tingling/numbness feeling again, still not sure if it's either A)lack of eating/purging relating B)my psycho industrial strength moisturizer C)mood stablizer medication. Hmmm. I'm thinking it could be all 3 of them working together.

I still can't believe that I'm finally moving out. This will be another new chapter in my life. It's strange at how certain moments in my life, I always feel like it's the ending of a chapter in a book, I can almost hear the turning of the page. I'm now reminising of past times in my life that I've felt this way. No, I'm not going to ramble on about those times, don't worry. But I was thinking about all the things I'm going to be changing, or at least that I will attempt to change. Here is my list:

1. Stop throwing up.

2. No more going to bed at 6am and waking up at 3-4pm, I should start waking up and showering/getting dressed at 12pm the latest.

3. Like with #2, no sitting around in my pajamas till 6pm/till I have to work.

4. No sitting around doing nothing/watching tv/lying down/being on the computer all day...must actually DO things, get things DONE!

5. Be more social.

6. Stop being such a slob, when I take something out, put it back, keep my room clean, I can't make my new apartment became a war zone, other people will be living there too!

7. Exercise EVERY DAY!

8. Lose weight. No seriously, I mean it, not sure how much perhaps 90lbs for now.

9. Have perfect control over what I eat, stick to how many calories I want to eat a day, no binging EVER.

10. Stop being tired all the time.

11. Take pills/vitamins everyday at same time, no being erradic.

12. Drink lots of water.

13. Start making lists of things that need to be done, that way I have more of an incentive to do them.

14. No lying around in bed being depressed.

15. Get hair cut(well hey, I need one!)

16. Ride bike every day.

17. Stay a step ahead of everything at all times.

18. Be perfect.

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