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Date: Jun. 17, 2002
Time: 12:45 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

A shower is easier then a toilet. If you're bulimic, you know what that statement means.

My aunt called me up a while ago and bitched me out. *rolls eyes* I can't stand her. She bitched me out for not calling/visiting my grandfather for Fathers Day. Um ya, considering I WORKED all day! She called me about an hour after I got home. Excuse me for sitting down to rest for a second! I told her all she does is accuse me and critisize me me. She totally denied that, I don't see how she can when all she does is point out what I'm doing wrong constantly. Once again she went on about how she's just trying to teach me right from wrong because obviously my parents never taught me anything. Um, sorry, last I checked I'm almost 23 years old, I don't need you to "teach" me, I'm not 3 years old. And you know what FUCK YOU for talking about my dead mother like that. I don't even see what her deal is, why if I call my grandfather on Father's Day is any of her business. She even said "when people ask me if the girls come and visit for Mother's Day or Father's Day, I have to lie and say yes!", I was like what???? What the FUCK is her problem? Why would she say yes? Why would she have to lie? And she's obviously making that up because nobody would ask if we were going over there, she's not our mother and he's not our father. That's fucked up. SHE'S fucked up. Ok, it's time to start pouring drinks! I think I shall have those Bacardi Silvers I got. They taste like Zima.

Oh the funniest thing happened today. This guy came into my work and said "Hey how's it going", I recognized him and said hi too. I figured he must of come into my work before. So we were talking for awhile, and he said "so how's your friend there", and I got confused and said "huh?", he said "you don't remember me do you", I said "I do I just...umm" him:"from that bar a couple weeks ago?" OHHHHHH! LOL! Man, I felt so retarded! Here I was talking to him the whole time not even realizing how I knew him, lol. I was pretty drunk when I met him though, that was the bar I went to where him and all the other guys were buying me and Katie drinks all night long. I was SOOOO trashed that night. Damn. Hehe, I thought he was just a customer I had seen before or something, lol. He was the guy that was hitting on me and gave me his card and asked me out to dinner. Well, today he continued to hit on me, a LOT. And as to how old he was...he showed me a picture of his 19 year old daughter!!!!! And he wants me to go out with him? Doesn't he think that would be weird?? I can see a Jerry Springer episode in the making. Hehe, just kidding I have NO interest in him. I almost wish I did though so I could have an interesting experience like that, lol. The biggest age difference I ever had with a guy was when I was 20 and I got with a 28 year old. He was one of the animal docters at the vet hospital I worked at, I was one of the lowely ward attendents(cleaned the shit out of the cages, fed the animals, etc.). Ah, reminds me of that Police song "Don't stand so close to me". Well not really. Ok not at all.

Ok today I threw up 3 times. First time was in the morning, I ate icecream then puked it in the shower. That was the first time I ever threwup in the shower, and I was surprised at how neat and easy it was, much better then the toilet :) Didn't eat anything else all day till while at work I saw one of those little tiny Hersheys bar things, like the inch long ones. I figured oh ok, may as well have just that one. So I had that, and sitting next to it was the mangers birthday cake for anyone to have. No one was around. I found myself opening the package and cutting myself cake, shoving it in my mouth. As I was eating it the manager walked in and said jokingly said "What are you doing!", but to me it was no joke, everything seemed to spin as the one thought "I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE, MUST PUKE NOW!!!" went through my mind. I immediatly went out the door, Catherine was coming in at the same time, colliding into me. This just added to the spinning/panicky sensation, I just had to get out NOW! I immediatly went into the bathroom where I found for some reason I couldn't puke, my stomach just refused to give up the goods. I came out of the bathroom and saw Catherine, which pissed me off cause that meant I couldn't go back in and try again in a couple of minutes, which is what I was planning on doing. Third time was just a little while ago. Damn me. Damn me to hell.

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