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Date: Jun. 15, 2002
Time: 12:34 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Academic Probation

My school's summer session catalogue came today. I REALLY need to take a class this summer, I have to take Writing Workshop 2. Guess which class they are magically not offering? Bastards!! See, I took Writing Workshop 2 this past semester but I failed it. I feel horrible admitting that, because there was NO reason for me to fail it other then my lack of showing up to class and lack of handing in papers. Mind you, this was the teacher that held me after class to tell me I should be in more advanced classes then this, such as the Honors Program(been there, done that, bought the t-shirt). This was the teacher who would ask us to do writings in journals during class, and after I was done he would always quietly ask me if he could read mine. I feel like such a loser for failing that class. Ahh, wistful days of being on Zoloft and getting all A's in school. Now my head is back to turmoil and chaos. I'm on academic probation from this past semester, I did pretty bad...something like a B,C,two D's,F, and a Pass. They sent me a thing saying if I can complete my credits by this summer I can go off the probation, so this is why I want to take Writing, also the fact that if I have to sit through another semester of it I will DIE. I just can't do it. I NEED a summer course of it, more fast paced. I think the summer courses are what, 5 weeks? I couldn't deal with another semester long Writing 2 course, I'd destroy somebody. I wish I didn't have stupid learning problems! Seriously, it's SO annoying I can't stand it. I think my therapist thinks that most of my learning difficulties I've always had are mainly due to my depression, either way I don't care, I wish I didn't have them. I know I could do well in school, just something in my head won't let me. Anway, in a couple hours I'm going to go to the local ghetto school and get their summer scheduale thing, they MUST have Writing!

Uffff right now I just ate half a bagel with cream cheese, and a can of soup. This is after having had a bowl of dry cereal. I was feeling stressed from school, that's why I ate :(

I hung out with Jim last night. You know, he's not as fun as he used to be. Maybe because we're not going out so sex is not involved? Ha, that would be sad if it was true. I've just noticed that since we broke up, it seems like we don't have as much to talk about and don't have as much fun hanging out.

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