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Date: Jun. 09, 2002
Time: 6:22 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Why am I awake? I don't know.

Fuck, what was I going to talk about? Oh, I think makeup, lol. Today I put on a bunch of makeup, and stared at myself in the mirror in awe. I mean I've worn this stuff before, but damn, I was just surprised at how healthy I can make myself look. It's so...I don't know, I just haven't seen myself look like that in so long, it was like looking at a different person! It made me think though, is it right for me to do that? To make it so I look healthy? Isn't that just a lie? I feel like a lie when I wear makeup. Not all makeup, just makeup that makes me look healthy. I feel like I'm sending a false messege to people, "Yes, I can be this weight and be perfectly fine, I obviously am one of those Lucky People with a high metabolism". And it makes me feel like shit to think that. I know what I do doesn't really affect anyone else, but just the concept of it in general. What if some girl looks at me and feels bad about herself? I feel like I have an obligation to just look the way I look...pale, large dark undereye circles. Sometimes I pass by the mirror and scare myself. I feel like that is reality, why should I try to distort it? Why should I try to make it seem not the way it is? But then there's the other side of me that says I should be able to look good too. Nobody compliments me on my looks anymore. Nobody tells me I have pretty eyes. Today someone did, I was wearing my "I'm in perfect health" makeup though. I guess I kind of miss that, I'm sick of being ignored. I've turned into the ugly friend....not that I think I'm particularily attractive anyway, but I don't know. I felt like a clown though when I looked in the mirror. Such an eerie feeling, knowing you can't touch your face throughout the day, or else your face will fucking come OFF. I don't know. Maybe I'm just not used to wearing makeup. I just kinda felt freaked out by it the past couple days that I've been wearing it. I feel kind of like a corpse that they spray paint the makeup on so that they look like they did when they were alive. Hey maybe I'll take a before and after picture of me and post it on here.

Today this girl Jen at my work told me she used to have "eating problems" as she refered to it. I just froze and was silent. Evil Eric was standing right there too, so even if I wanted to say something I couldn't. Nothing else really has been going on. I really need to go fill my perscription for...fuck...I forget the name, the new mood stabilizer I'm going on. Begins with a T. This past night(now it's the morning, haven't gone to sleep yet) I went to Julie's sisters house, where people go every Saturday night to drink/party. Blah blah blah. I just realized it's Sunday. I'm working at 1pm, which means I can't go to sleep, oh well. I've been eating NONSTOP!!! Though I haven't puked much lately, which is good.

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