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Date: Jun. 07, 2002
Time: 3:41 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Another turtle

Guess what, I got another turtle!! Yay! I'm not putting them together though, cause this one is about 6 inches big, my other is only an inch. I think I will name my turtle Ramone, but you have to roll the R. He's some type of African Sidenecked turle, but I'm not sure what kind. I've been looking online but to no avail. And kids, don't try this at home, ALWAYS read up on an animal before you take it home...see I can do this because I know enough about turtles/other reptiles to be able to take home animals when I don't know specifically what they are. I got him for free, some guy brought him in saying he bought the turtle for $300 and now he doesn't want him! So he gave it to us, and the turtle just sat in this insanely small plastic Kritter Keeper with dirty water for days. It was really bothering me, but the note on it said "For Mike", so I figured he was doing something with it. Then today he asked if I wanted it. I KNEW that if I didn't take it, he would continue to sit in that godforsaken plastic container until he died, so I took him.

You see, when it comes to turtles...I don't know, they bring out my maternal instinct. I didn't know I had a motherly instinct in the first place, lol. But ever since when I used to work at the pet store a few years back, and they had a whole turtle pond setup, I became attached. See, NO ONE took care of them when they were in that thing. They all got sick and died all the time. So I took it over, put a heater in it(they had NO HEAT!!!), treated the sick ones, man I gave them so much attention. I saved dying ones, and ones that did eventually die I significantly increased their life span as best I could. You can only do so much though when the manager refuses to take them to the vet. I would constantly bitch about it, but they didn't want to waste a vet bill on a turtle that cost $15. That pissed me off. Cause I did the best I could with what I had, and certain ones needed medical care. Of course once I added that heater they got MUCH better, and were many less infections. But since then, I get all motherly with turtles. Human babies? I think they're ugly. I'll take a turtle.

Besides this, not much else going on. I decided instead of going on a fast, a more realistic option would be to go on a fruit and veggie diet. Only fruites and veggies, nothing else. I heard it's a good option for people who are trying to stop throwing up. I was going to do this today, but...ended up binging. Oh well. I'm so sick of wasting my life away with my head in the toilet. I never get anything done anymore. My life seems to be passing me by.

I've just been filling out surveys. I feel like I should take advantage of the fact that I can make one(haha you can't), but I don't know what I would ask. Ok nothing else to say!

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