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Date: May. 04, 2002
Time: 10:09 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Travis is still stalking me

I just woke up about 2 hours ago. Last night I couldn't sleep AT ALL! It totally sucked, I did not get one wink of sleep, then went to work at 8am. Today I felt like punching someone in the head, for 2 reasons. First thing being, I can no longer stand the new Assistant Manager at my work! God, she's so bitchy and orders me around constantly. I don't need anyone to tell me what to do at work. Seriously, Ive been working there long enough to know what to do, I do the shit that needs to be done. Normally the managers leave me alone and never tell me what to do, cause I know what I'm doing, yet she always has to come over and order me around even while I'm in the middle of doing something! It's like she just wants to boss me around, it doesn't actually matter if I do the thing she wants or not. I'm not a fucking idiot, I don't need to be told what to do! Lately she's been harassing me about not tucking in my shirt. PLEASE! I'm sure there are much bigger concerns in the world then me not haveing my shirt tucked in. I mean seriously, prioraties. So she came in an hour before I was going to leave and was harassing me about all that, kept telling me to tuck in my shirt while I was busy helping customers, which of course made me more determined NOT to. So then while I was helping a customer, she says to me "When you're done helping this customer, you're allowed to be excused to the ladies room."(so that I could tuck in my shirt) OH GEE THANK YOU KIND MASTER! I felt so humiliated, like I was some little....grrrr...I don't even know. It was just the way she said it was so condicending. I guess you had to be there. It just bothered the fuck out of me, especially considering I had 10 minutes left of my shift anyway. So for the remainder of the time I simply ignored her when she talked to me, I know that's not the most mature thing or the wisest(she is managment afterall), I am a VERY stubbern person, and if you put yourself opposite of me, I will NOT budge! People always tell me I'm too stubbern, but I can't even help it I have to stand my ground.

So anyway, the other thing that pissed me off was that Travis(AKA:the most boring person in the universe that I went on a date with once) is STALKING ME!!!! Why can't people just leave me alone? I mean seriously. Why do people have to like, stalk me all the time? I mean god I went on one date with the kid, the most horrible date in the entire world I might add, saying to him "Oh, um, I'll call you sometime". Now if someone says that to you and doesn't call you back...wouldn't you kind of think maybe the person doesn't want to talk to you? Well, apperently he does not know this, and he calls my work every goddamn weekend(cause I work on weekends). The past couple weeks I've been telling people that if anyone calls for me to say I am not here, cause he's annoying. So today he called and was like "Are you avoiding me? Now whenever I call they say you're not there"....I was like ummmmmm....noooo I'm not avoiding you..... So within this 5 minute conversation, he tells me all about his family problems, how his parents don't get along, his car being impounded or something, and I'm thinking "Why are you telling me this????". I always try to help people and listen to their problems(hence me wanting to be a therapist) and I don't mind it at all, but when someone you don't even know starts spouting off about their fucked up family life, within like 2 minutes of getting on the phone with you....it's like I don't even know you why are you talking to me? And he asked for my home phone number and like the idiot I am I gave it to him......why did I do that??? At least I have caller ID. I wish he would just go away and take a hint.

On top of everything I think I have a Urinery Tract Infection, NOOOOOO! Oh shit, I forgot that I was going to go to the store today and pick up a Urinery test kit, isn't that neat that they sell them in stores now? No Urologist! Only dilema....best thing to cure one is to drink lots of cranberry juice or take antibiotics. And as we all know, cranberry juice has tons of calories, so no way am I drinking it! I'll have to check around the house for some antibiotics. Isn't it great hearing about my urine? You know you love it.

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