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Date: May. 05, 2002
Time: 1:38 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

I have nothing to do, la la la laaaaaaaa

Entry number 2 of the night:

I am SO BORED! And my stomach is so hungry I feel like I'm going to puke, don't you hate when that happens? To my tummy: I'm not going to eat, especially now that I feel all pukey, so stomach, you are totally backfiring on your plan to make me eat by making me feel sick. How is that supposed to encourage me to eat?

I want to get this wicked bad ass scale, it's $75 which is kind of expensive but it reads your weight AND your body fat percentage! Also it has a little thing on it that shows you where you are like if you are normal, too little or too much in terms of body fat. So much cool stuff to play with! And it's super accurate, it does decimals like 100.4lbs(ya, and I better not weight that!). I really want to get one since I've offically stopped using my broken scale. Why did I continue to weigh myself everyday when I knew it was broken? I have no idea. I think cause it said a higher number then I really am, it like inspired me or something to lose weight. But that's dumb, I should know how much I actually weigh. The only thing is that I'm terrified that it will say I'm in the triple digets, if it says 100lbs or more I will bawl my eyes out! Well..probably not. But I will be very pissed. I keep trying to reasure myself that there is no way I can fit into my sisters size double zero pants and be 100lbs but I'm convinced that I actually am, I'm gross! This is not to say that I think anyone over 100lbs is gross by the way, this is just me I'm talking about here. Everyone is magicly great looking at normal weights, but for some reason I defy the laws of physics by looking like I am 200lbs when I am 95lbs.

So ya, I'm pretty bored right now. God, do I ever do anything except talk about weight?? What the fuck. I'm so repeatitive. I wonder if I spelled that right. I'm too lazy to check. Here's an entertaining quiz: Should I?

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