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Date: Mar. 17, 2002
Time: 1:59 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Drinking and the wonders of Donnie Darko

Ok I was just talking to Christopher online and he said I was too thin! Ha! PLEASE, I am nowhere near thin! I mean seriously, I weighed myself this morning and it said 107lbs. My lowest has been 95lbs, so I mean seriously I think I have every right to say he is totally wrong. He said I should gain weight, and when I said no he said "please?". Ok first off, I'm not even seeing him anymore we are just friends, so why does he care? How odd. Curves..ha! Curves means fat. I have enough curves on my body, why does he consider curves to mean good? Just wait till I'm 88lbs, THEN he'll see thin....I hope? My hand have been cold all night, I think my blood is doing that thing again where it doesn't flow.

I went out drinking tonight with Mike and Hilary at this punk bar in Boston. It was cool, in the jutebox I played Suicidal Tendecies and David Bowie, yay. Still a bit drunk right now. Besides that, didn't do much today besides my radio show. Oh geez.....I asked Jim to hang out tomorrow, and he said yes...eep! Why did I do that? Now I don't want to hang out with him. It just feels odd....I was thinking last night about my life and doorways, don't feel like explaining it right now.

Oh! Last night I saw this independant film called Donnie Darko, best movie ever!!! I highly recommend it. If I explain it, it will sound much more lame then it actually is, but I will explain it anyway. It's about this guy in high school who gets diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrinic, because he keeps seeing this 6 foot tall bunny rabbit who talks to him. I can't even explain the rest of the movie without giving away the ending, except that the rabbit makes him think he can travel through time. The ending is wonderful, it's basicly one of those movies that you don't really understand until you see the end and then you're like "Oh my god so that's why all that happened!", definitly makes you think. So check it out, cause I told you to.

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