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Date: Mar. 14, 2002
Time: 11:25 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Sybil is a good book

I'm dizzy(yay diet pills!) and my dad needs the computer soon, so i'll make this quick. Went over my Grandfather/Aunt's house tonight. The whole time they were flipping out about my dad getting married. In a way, it was satisfying to hear them, they are so emotional and irrational, it's almost like taking a break from myself, who always is very logical and unemotional about things. I mean not that inside I am unemotional, I just always try to be strong, in control of myself, don't allow myself to be like how they are. So to hear their rage and pure emotion sort of satisfies that part of me. Does that make sense? Whenever things happen, I always try to be the mature and sensible one, look at things logically and don't make a fuss. Yes, my father is getting married soon, and maybe I don't agree with it but that is irrelivent. They however, are doing the opposite, the other day my aunt bitched out my father for 2 hours, calling him a fucking asshole and that he is dead to her, ranting and raving at him. It's weird, cause I am reading the book Sybil right now(for the second time), which is about a girl with multiple personality disorder, definintly a must read. It reminds me of how the different personalities in her represent the different extremes and emotions...like how one personality handles anger, one sadness, etc. It's like that with my family, different members act out different parts/emotions in a very extreme way, but in the opposite end they are the very parts I cannot express, but they themselves, it's like that is the only part they CAN express. I'll get more into this at another time, my friend Tif is drunk and wants me to call her.

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